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    OK, As I said earlier, I was able to get WpViewPdf to install into CBuilder XE3, but my first test program in which I just created a new Forms application, dropped a TWPViewPDF on the form and added the WPViewPDF\VCL directory to the include and library paths fails to link with the following error

    [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'ACTNLIST.OBJ'

    There is an ACTNLIST.hpp in the CBuilder XE3 directory tree, but I can't find a .OBJ of this name.

    Note: this is the WpViewPdf trial edition I downloaded from your site last week.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you, that worked fine for XE3. However in CBuilder 5 the only place I can find to set conditionals is in Prohecy Options / Directionsl/Conditionals / Conditional Defines, where I would normally define things for the C++ compiler and it doesn't seem to work for the Pascal compiler.

    I have tried -LUDesignIDE, LUDesignIDE, UDesignIDE & DesignIDE, none of which seen to have any effect. Any idea what I am missing?


    In trying to install WPViewPDF, I get the following errors while compiling the package:

    CBuilder 5: [Pascal Fatal Error] WPViewPDF_reg.pas(39): File not found: 'DesignIntf.dcu

    CBuilder XE3: [DCC Fatal Error] WPViewPDF_reg.pas(39): F1026 File not found: 'DesignIntf.dcu'

    In both cases, the "Designtime only" box in the Options/Description is checked.

    There are no DesignIntf.* files in my Cbuilder5 directory tree, however there are DesignIntf.hpp and DesignIntf.pas in my CbuilderXE3 tree.

    Any suggestion?

    I too am having the exact same problem in getting it installed on CBuilder XE3. I followed the directions for creating a new package, adding WpViewPDF_reg.pas, vcl.bpi & vclx.bpi. Set the project options as specified and when I try to build it, I get:

    [DCC Fatal Error] WPViewPDF_reg.pas(22): F1026 File not found: 'WPViewPDF3.dcu'

    Is it really possible to install this on CBuilers XE3?