Beiträge von quicoli


    I've a document and need to export it to HTML format. I tried but the HTML generated has some much, I would like to get a more simple HTML. For example, paragraphs enclosed with <p></p> tags, bold words with <b></b>, italics with <i></i>, <sup></sup>. I don't need that "<style..." definitions for text formatting....

    Is there a way to filter/transform the HTML export simpler?

    Thank you

    Hi friends...

    i'm exporting to PDF/A format and one simple page gets 2.3MB !
    If i do not active pdf/a option the generated is about 30 kb.

    I'm export just like the manual's function RTFtoPDF .

    Is there some parameter i have to set up ?


    Hi Julian !

    Unhapply your code didn't fix. But i found out a strange solution for that.

    For example, if my phrase is short like: "This is a test", generated pdf render "This is a tes". But my solution was to add some blank spaces at phrase ending... so my phase now is "This is a test " and i got a correct pdf now.

    Very strange that! Do you wanna me to send you my rtf file to investigate that behaviour ?

    I´m using version 3 of wPDF and WPTools 3.12

    To generate PDF i´m doing this:

    if you would like to examinate, i can send you my rtf file to you and the generated pdf.

    Hi, my customer has some official docs wich requires no blank space at bottom of page. For example, a text it uses places only half page, but depending on merged text it can be larger or no, so left white space on page needs be fulfilled by '*' chars... like this:

    << - page begin - >>

    " bla bla bla bla bla bla bla"
    " bla bla bla bla bla"

    << - page end - >>

    How can i calculate free space and how to fulfill it ?


    Hi Julian,

    YES! this woked, but when Editor get closed, an exception is raised. So just to make you know, to avoid that exception, custom editor must be create with NIL, like this:

    WPIsMDIApp := true; // Make the Toolbar MDI compatible
    lForm := TWPToolsEditor.Create(nil);
    lForm.FormStyle := fsMDIChild;
    lForm.OnClose := WPDefEditorFormClose;

    In my application i added a copy of WPDefActions and WPDefEditor.pas, so, from my aplication i call my custom Editor doing this:

    procedure CreateEditor;
    lForm : TWPToolsEditor;
    lForm := TWPToolsEditor.Create(nil);

    That´s ok. But my main form is a mdi parent. So i tried do change WPDefEditor.FormStyle to fsMDIChild.
    When i create WPDefEditor form, it gets on an infinite loop! Always redrawing screen as crazy. But getting back to fsNormal FormStyle, everything works.

    How can make a custom editor be showed as MdiChild ?

    Hi friends...

    i dont know this is the better place to ask for help, but ...

    I have some docs build in WP 3.12, with a lot of merge fields. There is a way to convert it directly to WP 5 ?

    That´s because i have many (40) clients, each one has 10 files in WP3, and ask for clients to write new files, using a new WP5 editor, its not a good idea for them.

    Thanks for helping !