Beiträge von Andrew Klopper


    I am using the following code to add substitution of merge fields in the header/footer to the reporting feature, which does not substitute the header/footer by default. The code seems to work, but the page margins are not preserved. How do I preserve the page settings? Is this the best approach (it is based on the WPTools 5 approach with super merge)?

    Also, I am using this code in a web application, and I get a 'Runtime error 217' whenever I close the ASP.Net development server after running this code. What am I doing wrong?


    I have the same problem on a customer's computer. They can print to a local printer with no problems, but get a floating point overflow exception when trying to print to a network printer (an HP). The problem seems to be in the ' DrvSplEndDoc' function in Imf32.dll.

    I saw references to similar errors with other Delphi packages as well. One suggested fix was simply to turn off floating point exception handling in your program using the following code (haven't had a chance to test it myself yet, though, as I have a while to go before my next release of code):



    This is probably a shot in the dark as there is not much information here, but one of my customers has received an AV while trying to print a document in a TWPRichText control. The text is rendered correctly in the control. I haven't been able to replicate the error myself, unfortunately.

    The callstack when the AV occurred was as follows:

    When changing font names, sizes, etc., using ExpressBars combo boxes linked to TWPToolsCustomEditContolActions, the OnChange event of the TWPRichText control is never fired, and the document's modified property is not set to true.

    Changing font properties using the standard WP toolbars does cause OnChange to be fired, as the OnToolbarSelection function calls ChangeApplied.

    I have made the following simple change to fix this, but I don't know if it is the correct place to do so, or if it will have unanticipated side effects (I simply call ChangeApplied after the case statement):

    Thanks for the code above. That seems to solve the one problem. I have nailed down the other problem to the fact that single-letter words seem to stop the spell-check, which seems to be related to the following code in TWPToolsSpellInterface.GetNextWord in WPSpell_link.pas:

    if fr then while (l > 0) and par.IsWordDelimiter(pos + l-1) do dec(l);
            if l > 1 then break;

    Consider the following sentence:


    This is a tesst. I have found a bug in thhe spell chck.

    The spell check stops at the words 'a', 'I' and 'a', depending on where you position the cursor. If you position the cursor anywhere before the first 'a', or anywhere after 'tesst.' and before the second 'a', the spell-check will return saying 'Spell check complete' even though not all the words have been checked.

    Zitat von wpsupport


    Logically a bullet is also a number - this is why the number action also deactivates bullets. One will have to press the button twice.



    Thanks for the quick response, but this is the behaviour I am seeing:

    - Press the number action.
    - The number '1.' appears. Enter a few lines of text resulting in the numbered items '2.', '3.', etc.
    - Press the number action to end the list.
    - Enter a few blank lines.
    - Press the bullet action.
    - A bullet appears. Enter a few lines of text, each of which has a bullet.
    - Press the bullet action to end the list.
    - Enter a few blank lines.
    - Press the number action. Both the number and bullet toolbar buttons are shown as simultaneously depressed. A bullet appears instead of a number. No matter how many times I push the number button at this point, I only ever get bullets.


    The WPANumbers standard action only seems to work (i.e., create numbered list items) if the WPABullets action has not previously been used. If WPANumbers is triggered after WPABullets, a bulleted list is inserted instead of a numbered list, and both the Numbers and Bullets toolbar buttons are shown as depressed.

    I am using a WPRichText control attached to a Developer Express toolbar by means of the standard WPTools actions.

    I have a WPRichText control attached to a Developer Express toolbar by means of the WPTools standard actions, with WPSpell for spell checking.

    If I click on the spell check button on the toolbar, I always get a 'Spell check is complete' message unless my cursor is immediately before the first misspelled word in the text, or anywhere after the first misspelled word. Also, if my cursor is in the middle of a misspelled, only the part of the word after the cursor is brought up inside the correction dialog. To put it a little differently, if all the words between the start of my document and the cursor are spelled correctly, and there is at least one correctly spelled word after the cursor, the spell check never seems to run.

    The spell-as-you-go button seems to work with no problems, highlighting all misspelled words as expected.

    As far as I can tell, I haven't deviated from the instructions in the manual. Am I doing something incorrectly?