Beiträge von wagga

    I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong, just don't know what.

    The PDF was created with wPDF, then displayed on the same computer.
    In fact, the program creates the file, then does the preview/print in the same application.

    Fonts used are:

    Bitstream Vera Sans-Vera.ttf
    Bitstream Vera Serif-VeraSe.ttf
    FixedSys, all which are .ttf files

    Cheers - Dave

    We are evaluating wPDF/wpViewPDF for the next iteration of our vertical market software. We're using the demo version.

    PDFs are created programmatically with wPDF (a wonderful tool).

    Viewing & printing with Acrobat gives me exactly what I intended.

    Viewing & printing with wpViewPDF gives odd spacing - amost like two spaces where one is intended. Same results with

    FontMode := wpUseTrueTypeFonts; and
    FontMode := wpEmbedTrueTypeFonts;

    Am I missing somthing? is the normal version different?
    I will be happy to send a file if you wish

    Cheers - Dave