Beiträge von NormandP

    Is there a document somewhere that documents all the changes that have been implemented from WPTools 4 to WPTools 6. I was told that important changes have been made, so before uploading I would be glad to know whether there is a list of methods, functions and properties that no longer exists and have been changed.

    This would allow me to be more confident in moving from V4 to V6.

    I tried to load a RTF in Vietnamese in an WPRIchText application (version 4.x) and even if the Windows option to "Language for non-unicode" program is set to Vietnamese, I can't seem to be able to display the text correctly. Is this a limitation of version 4, or is it an option I can set to better support this language?

    What would be the best way to delete all the graphics stored in a single rich text file currently in a TWPRichText component.

    Is there an option also I can set to prevent those graphics to be imported?


    I want to implement a new feature in my application and rather that spending time trying to figure out how to do it with WPTools, I thought I should first ask whether someone would be interested in doing such thing as a programming contract. Maybe Julian himself would be interested since it would probably be quite easy for him to implement this. Here are the requirements:

    The idea is to print a document in a WPRichText to a printer canvas, leaving at least a 2 inch (6 cm) margin on the right (the text can be moved to the left and may also be reduced if needed). Then the procedure should draw color brackets on the right indicating the top and bottom position of a bookmark along with. the bookmark name in the middle of the bracket. If some codemarks overlaps, the vertical position of the brackets need to be adjusted as well as the horizontal position of the bookmark names. The end results should look somewhat like this:

    I did such a thing in my application, displaying bookmarks beside the WPTools documents in an Image panel, so now I just need to offer a way to print this.

    I would have to provide a few procedures to get the proper color and extract from the bookmark name the proper information I want to display. I could also give an idea how I managed to adjust the horizontal and vertical positions of the elements.

    If anyone is interested, please send me your proposal to peladeau (at)

    I was asked by a customer to test for compatibility of my applications with Arabic. I found that while text in arabic are displayed properly, when one select a portion of text, the highlighted text goes from left to right so is inversed for an arabic reader.

    I didn't set any specific options but I did notice that there are some RightToLeft values associated with some options, so I wonder which one I should use as the default value for the WPRichText component in order for the component to display text properly whether it is an Arabic or an English text.

    Should I add some program settings so that the user can manually enable a specific option or will the program adjust automatically (provided I use the proper setting)?

    I got it but it was not useful at all. I sent you a small project by email

    Here is what I am trying to do. I have a document with several bookmarks. I try to highlight specific bookmarks only. I have put in the document HTML like tags to show you where the bookmarks start and end. For example, the following tags:

    <Patriotism> </Patriotism>

    Indicates the beginning and end of a text segment associated with a bookmark that contains "Patriotism".

    I have a combo box at the top of the project file. It allows you to choose which segment to highlight.

    See below the code I use.

    What am I doing wrong?


    Zitat von wpsupport


    I sent you this method as e-mail. I hope you received it.


    I have been using WPTools 4 and just tried WPTools 5 and I just found out that graphics pasted into a RTF document in WPTools will not be showed in MS Word or WordPad.

    Is there a way to make sure graphics stored in RTF files will be read properly by MS Word or other programs like WordPad etc?


    In a OnGetAttrColor even, I am using the following command:

    OpenCodes(par, lin, cp, TheList, wpcoBookMark);

    To check whether I should highlight a bookmark. However, the bookmarks I get in the returned list, includes bookmarks that have been closed several paragraphs before.

    How can I get around what appears to be a bug in this function?

    What is the fastest way to load a RTF document stored in a database into a TWPRichText.

    I am currently using this procedure:

    AsString := Table1.Fields[1].AsString;

    But it currently represents a bottleneck in my routine. I would prefer not to use a TDBWPRichText component (although it is about 2 times faster) since I normally use DisableControls in order to prevent other DB controls to be updated.


    I would like to create a document programmatically and insert bitmaps in it.

    The bitmap should be on its own paragraphs.

    I am currently using a procedure that looks like this to append text to the end of the document:

    procedure TReportDlg.AppendText(S: string);
    prp: TParProps;
    FillChar(prp, Sizeof(TParProps), 0);
    prp.Attr := TWpRichText.Attr;
    prp.Text := S;

    {some additional formatting codes}


    Is there a way to create a similar procedure that would insert a bitmap rather than text?