Beiträge von abcc

    If you delete a hyperlink (click somewhere in the middle of the link, hit backspace), it is deleted, but any preceeding text is turned into a link.

    If you delete the link from the end (click on the end of the link, hit backspace) it is deleted correctly.

    WPTools v5.08

    Great: Still going to be setting the 'new' style as default, but its nice to be able to switch them back to the 'old' style if they give me ear ache :)


    - this curly lines have a new look, thats no bug

    They do grow on you :) Unfortunatly, going to take a little bit of persuading to get customers to like them: The old style was like the marking in Word, but the new is very different :p

    This is fairly closly following on from what I asked about yesterday, but as it would be relevant in other cases, I've submitted it as a seperate topic.

    How can you itterate through the paragraphs contained in a WPRichText control had determine its type and properties?

    E.g: Build a list of all hyperlinks in a document, or a list of all the paragraphs / words using a specific style etc?

    How can I determine if the current cursor location is in a hyperlink / or the current selection is a hyperlink - fetch the link + text for use in a properties dialog. (I'm assuming I can use the InputHyperlink function to overwrite the existing hyperlink after the user hits ok).

    I've tried the SelectionAsString, and this returns the formatted rtf string -- so I'm assuming I need to parse this somehow ... :)

    Recompiling an application the used WPTools v4 previously, after modifying / commenting out fairly large chunks, eventially got it compiling.

    BUT, when I go to edit anything in the control, I get Textobject must be attached to paragraph! error.

    The text is being loaded from an external HTML file.

    Note: Also occurs in the WPEditHTML demo, (when loading the same file - can e-mail it over if needed, it was created with WPTools v4)

    And incidently, the cursor appears to dissappear (except for a very small flashing dot) in between lines ...

    Finally, it seems this only occurs on HTML files created with v4..

    I've found a method called CreateHyperlinkFromURL, which converts all the links in the WPRichText.

    Almost what I'm after...

    But I want to be able to specifically insert a single hyperlink with a specific href and target...

    Still hunting...


    2) Print preview is not quite ok... while it does display the text rather than zeros like it does on the printout, the spacing between characters is way off.

    I've seen something like this with older HP Laser and Inkjet drivers -- is you customer running the latest version of the printer drivers?

    I'm using the WPRichEdit as a basic HTML editor for e-mails, but need to allow insertion of a hyperlink -- how can I go about this? I also need to be able to seperatly specify the text to be the actual hyperlink (preferably by highlighting it in the WPRichEdit), and specify a seperate link..

    Any help gratefully received!

    Is it possible to extract just textual information from a WPRichText item ?

    What I need to do is pull the text from a WPRichText and drop it into a Memo....

    I know it is possible to use the tags ability to show the html tags, but I was wondering ... is it possible to allow the enduser to create a page, using the same interface as they have for creating a rtf file, and then export to html (and load it later)?


    I have two programs that handle selection and generation of a large number of documents.

    The first program gets the user to specify which documents are to be generated, and for which people.
    The second program handles load the template, merging, saving and spooling, and is called by the first and parameters passed.

    I need to be able to add support to the first program to allow the user to specify custom print settings (specifically the tray number), and pass that across to the second program -- but I am not sure how to approach it -- any ideas?

    Many thanks in advance.