Beiträge von DirkR


    I'm trying to make a preview of several letters. These letters, I first concatenate to 1 WPCustomRichText, each letter in 1 section.
    The header I want to put at the first page of each letter and the footer at the last page of each letter WITHIN every section. But it shows only the first header of the first section and the last footer of the last section.
    This worked fine with a older version of WPTools5 (2006), but not with the latest version. (How) can I fix this? I'm using Delphi 5.


    Example with 2 letters (and thus 2 sections):


    Since my last post I continued to solve my problem.
    Now I see, I can set the margins of header, body and footer separately with WPAll.Header.TopMargin, ...BottomMargin and the like. That gives me what I wanted. So this problem is solved.
    Thanks for looking to it.



    I've added now two times "WPAll.ReformatAll" before printing, but with the same result.

    But, this way of printing isn't wrong, when blank paper is used. Then it's ok. In my case I use pre-printed paper where in the header allready a componies-logo is printed and an area is reserved for printing the customer's address, invoice-number and the like. In the footer an area is reserved for printing de invoice-mount, VAT-amounts and the like. So, my paper has "fisically" a header, body and footer, thus the header, body end footer form WPAll has all te be printed on the right place.
    Is it a certain property I have to set?, or isn't is possible at all?

    And sorry, I forgot: I'm using Delphi5.



    I'm trying to print an invoice with TWPRichtText (WPAll).
    In WPAll I first put a header with WPAll.AssingToHeader(WPHeader, wpraOnFirstPage).
    After that I put a footer with WPAll.AssingToFooter(WPFooter, wpraOnLastPage).
    At last I put about 50 article-lines with WPAll.FastAppendText(WPLine, false).
    When printing, the invoice takes 2 pages.
    The problem is: On the first-page is no footer, but the last article-lines are printed in the area, reserved for the footer. On the second page there is no header, but the first article-lines are printed in the area reserved for the header. Pre-printed paper is used. Name and logo of the company are still on the paper in de header-area, so WPAll must not print in there. How can I force WPAll to print the article-lines only in the body-area?
