Beiträge von vkattila


    No, I do mean 'not on first page' (wpraNotOnFirstPage).

    Our documents are stored in a database (saved as a compressed stream). Most of them have a header 'not on first page'.
    I confirme that they load fine (whith the header 'not on first page') in V 5.47, but not in V 6.03 (the header 'not on first page' does not show at all).

    I saved a document with V 5.47 in .RTF and in .WPT formats.

    When I try to load the .WPT file into V 6.03, it works fine (I see the header).

    When I try to load the .RTF file into V 6.03, it does not work (I don't see the header).

    I'll send you the two files by mail.

    Attila Krüzsely


    I've got a few questions regarding the spellchecking :

    Note : I use spellchecking with a french as langague.

    - some words are not underlined in red, but nevertheless pointed out if you start the spell checking dialog. this seem to happen with word having a ' inside
    example : jusqu'en

    - suggestions often simply cut the word in two, not always making sense
    example : maisone (which does not mean anything)
    suggestions :
    - maison (house : OK)
    - mais one (mais = but, one : does not mean anything)

    - what are the meanings of the SuggestMode flags, are they documented somewhere ?

    - I can't find the way to translate the menu items of the right-click popup menu (Ignore, Ignore All, Add % to...); the localization of the other parts of the user interface works well

    - is there a way to teach the spellchecker suggestions (if I misspell a word like this, suggest that...)

    Attila Krüzsely


    Is it possible that TWPCustomRtfEdit.Print returns the control to the calling procedure before TWPCustomRtfEdit.PrintPages has finished executing ?

    If I close my Form and destroy the TWPRichText just avec calling WPRichtText, I get an access violation (apparently in TWPCustomRtfEdit.PrintPages).
    When I open a new form and try to print, I get a message telling me that the printing is already in progess ('impression en cours').

    Checking for WPRichText.Enviroment._globale_InPrintPages or WPRichText.Printing just in the code just after WPRichText returns false.
    But if I wait a little (~1 second) and check these attributes in the FormCloseQuery event for example, I get true !!!

    Attila Krüzsely

    Hi Julian,

    I sent you an example by mail (screenshot and printout).

    Setting WPRichText1.Memo._WPT5TextOutMethod to true did not completely solve the problem, and made the headers and the footers of our documents disappear (!!!).

    The printing of justified text seems OK, except for justified text inside bullets for which the problem persists.

    Any further help would be greatly appreciated, as this problem is impacting about 150 users...



    Apparently sometimes the current font & size change automatically to the default font and size (as set in WPRichText.DefaultAttr).

    This happens when pressing the ENTER key, usually after some edit fields, or at new paragraphs (?).

    Could there be something in the text / character attributes forcing the use of the default font ?

    Attila Krüzsely


    After upgrading from V 5.47 to V 6.03 we experienced some problems when printing :

    The character spacing sometimes grows when printing justified paragraphs.

    For example, the above sentence would be printed something like :
    T h e c h a r a c t e r s p a c i n g s o m e t i m e s g r o w s

    The text is shown correctly on the screen.

    Attila Krüzsely


    I cannot say, because we still use V 5.47.5 in our productive system (on which the users reported the issue) and did not yet update our application to 6.03.

    In fact I could repoduce the problem only on the productive system (V 5.47.5, Windows XP, over Citrix).
    No way to reproduce it on the development environments (D2006 + V5.47.5 / D2009 + V6.03, locally).

    - Would you recommend moving to 6.03 ?

    - Is there something I could do to prevent / trap the error ?

    - Could this issue somehow be related to the use of Citrix ?



    Sometimes, after dragging & dropping a portion of text (inside the same document), our users get an integer overflow error ('débordement d'entier').

    - select some text
    - press and hold down left mouse button
    - move the mouse to another place in the document
    - release mouse button
    => most of the time : OK, once in a while : error message

    Reproducing the problem is not quite easy, as it happens randomly, and only from time to time, so I cannot give any further details unfortunately.

    Thank you for any help...
    Attila Krüzsely


    We are having a very strange - and disturbing - problem in some of our documents :

    At some time after typing the document (usually a few pages), 2 or 3 blank pages are added at the beginning of the document for each character typed.
    I you type a sentence, you end up with a document containing more than 100 pages !!!

    If I save, close and reopen the document, the blank pages are gone, everything is back to normal...
    But :
    - if continue typing where the problem arose (or on the same page), it happens again,
    - if I type some text on the previous page, no problem
    - if I type some text on the next page, no problem
    - if I try to shorten the document (cut some pages before or after the paragraph having this problem), I cannot reproduce it anymore

    I tryied to open one of these documents with the TextBoxDemo and got the same behaviour.

    Our documents have originally been imported from Word, I don't know if that has something to do with the problem ?

    Thank you for any help,
    Attila Krüzsely


    If you copy-paste some text in say Verdana 8.5 from MS Word, the size is shown (and printed) correctly in a TWPRichText (the text is shown bigger than Verdana 8 and smaller than Verdana 9).

    But there seems to be no way to set directly the font size to 8.5 in a TWPRichText (TTextAttributes.Size is integer).

    Or is there a way ?

    If not, will this feature be included in a future release ?

    Attila Krüzsely


    I get an Access Violation when trying to resize an image I inserted into my document. Apparently this happens with images larger than the document's page width.

    To reproduce :
    - run the test projet : ..\Demos\Ver6Demos\D2009\WPT2009Project1.exe
    - load a document, open the editor ('DefEditor' button)
    - insert a LARGE image (e.g. 1920 x 1200 pixels) (menu : 'Insert' / 'Graphic')
    - try to resize the inserted image
    => access violation

    Remarks :
    - happens with WPTools 6.03, 6.02
    - does not happen when the inserted image is small (narrower than the page width ?)

    Attila Krüzsely


    I noticed a very strange font behaviour in some of our documents.

    These documents contain portions of text with edit fields at their right. E.g. :

    Conclusion : [EDIT_FIELD]

    Font is Verdana 10.

    If I place the carret at the right of the textfield and press ENTER, the font changes BY ITSELF to Times New Roman 11.

    Selecting the field, or portions of it, or the text besides the field, always shows Verdana 10.

    If I select the whole paragrah (which should be Verdana 10), the font is not displayed (obviously there is a portion of text in Times New Roman but I cannot see where).

    I pass the whole paragraph to Verdana 10, everything works fine (font stays Verdana 10).

    I save the document, close it, reopen it : the problem appears again !

    D2006, WPTools 5.

    Thanks for any hint,
    Attila Krüzsely


    From time to time, one of our users gets the following messages when trying to print a document (WPRichText) :

    Imprimante sélectionnée incorrecte
    L'imprimante n'imprime pas pour l'instant

    (which would translate to something like 'Selected printer incorrect' and 'Printer not currently printing')

    The problem arises once or twice a day. Closing the application solves the problem (the user can then print the very same documents).
    No way to reproduce systematically.

    Has anybody ran into similar problems ?

    Attila Krüzsely


    If you do the following :

    - check numbering
    - type some text
    - type SHIFT + ENTER to go to the next line without triggering the numbering
    - insert a checkbox
    (I do that using a button with following code :
    with WPRichText.InputTextFieldName('FORMCHECKBOX') do begin
    Source := '_Check';
    Params := 'false';
    - try to check the checkbox...

    => you can't !

    ... except if you click at the left of the checkbox (under the numbering, or in the margin)

    Example :
    [Blockierte Grafik:]
    - click on checkbox (red zone) : nothing happens
    - click in green zone : OK

    What to do ?

    Attila Krüzsely