Beiträge von rbecker_philips

    Is there a way of obtaining font information, such as Fontname, Fontsize, FontColor, and attributes such as Bold, italic, etc. from a merge field within the MailMergeGetText event? I need this information so that I can apply it to subsequent paragraphs.

    Using WPTools 5.48.5 with Delphi 2009.


    I'm having trouble with some forms of bullets. Specifically, numbered or lettered bullets that use either a period or right parenthesis. Say I have a list that looks like this:

    3. CCCCCCC
    4. DDDDDDD

    if I save and reopen my document, in RTF format by the way, the list looks like this:

    .1 AAAAAAA
    .2 BBBBBBB
    .3 CCCCCC
    .4 DDDDDD

    Parenthesis also switch sides when reopening the document. Does anyone know what is going on? Thanks!


    I'm having trouble getting the IParam of merge fields. What I want to do is left-click a merge field, and retrieve the IParam value that I used when the field was added to a document using InputMergeField or InputEditField.

    I'm trying to use the TWPRichText.OnTextObjectClick event, but the obj that it returns is nil, and the pobj it returns always has zero in the IParam field. I've tried clicking at the begining of the field, and at the end of it with that result. I've also tried getting pobj.starttag and pobj.endtag, but the IParams for those are also zero!

    Is there something I'm missing?

    Using 5.47.5 with D2009.



    We have an application in which we are doing a lot of custom merging. Basically we're setting the field IParam to unique values and in the MailMergeGetText performing certain actions based on that value. One of the things we're doing is passing back a semi-formatted string list. This is nothing more than looping through the list and concatenating the lines into one long string with CRLF stuck in between each line.

    The printout looks great, with each entry from the string list on its own line. However, if we try to bullet the merge field, with the intention of each line being bulleted, we only get a bullet on the first line.

    I saved a merged file and opened it in a standard text editor to view the raw RTF and found that within the field, the lines were terminated with \line. Just to see what would happen, I changed that to \par and opened the file in our WPTools editor, and each line now had a bullet.

    So my question (feature request) is: can a property be added to indicate that paragraphs should not be replaced by newline in a merge field, something to the effect of ppKeepParagraphsInMergeFields?

    Or if that's not possible, is there some kind of workaround?
