Beiträge von alestr72

    Hi, we are moving from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 10.3.1 so we downloaded wpt8demo_DX13.exe & wPDF4DemoSetup.exe.

    In the wpt8demo_DX13.exe we found the Delphi 10.3 option, but not in wPDF4DemoSetup, that stop until 10.2.

    Following the instructions we can compile and install WPTools8_DX13_Pack_DS.dpk, but when we try include wPDF activating {$DEFINE WPPDFEX} //= link in wPDF, our PDF addon in WPTools\Dxx\WPINC.INC when we build we have the following error in WPTools_Reg at line 61:

    "[dcc32 Fatal Error] WPTools_Reg.pas(61): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'WPPDFR1'"

    In the \wPDF\DX12\ folder we found WPPDFR1.dcu, .hpp, .obj & WPPDFR2.pas but not WPPDFR1.pas

    We need to test wPSD & WPSPELL before to buy they.

    Can you give us help?


    Alessandro Strazzari