Beiträge von losev

    Sorry, but i can’t figure out how to do that.

    Should I set an individual value for a cell? If yes, then how?

    Or should I add a new field to my FDMemTable and then convert the blob data to something else? If so, what data type should I use for the new field in order the data to be displayed correctly in the WPDBGrid component, ftGraphic?

    I’ve tried both options, with no result.

    Any advice would be helpful, thanks in advance.


    I've got an app where image data is stored in a blob field of a FDMemTable (received via a tethering stream from a Firebird database) and I can load this data into an TImage component. But when I try to add an ImageColumn to WPDBGrid to display that data I get the "Invalid variant type conversion" error at runtime. Any hints?

    Hi, thanks for the component, it works just fine.

    There are only 2 questions left:

    1) Is there a way to align the column header captions?

    2) When I use the “Load all fields” option from the popup menu I do get the right number of columns in the WPDBGrid component, but their types may not match the datatype in the used datasource (say StringColumn instead of FloatColumn). And I can’t figure out how to change the datatype in the Columns Editor. Any workarounds for this?