Beiträge von iszoke


    There is a property in the ActiveX documentation.

    Property TextCompression
    By modifying this property you can let the PDF engine compress text. By using compression the
    file will be reasonable smaller. On the other had compression will create binary data rather than
    ASCII data. Please note that bitmaps and embedded fonts will be always compressed, either using
    Deflate or JPEG compression.

    With this setting, the size of the pdf document produced in our projects written under .net was reduced by 40%. Is there a way to use this setting from Delphi? I couldn't find any reference to it in the official documentation, neither parameter, nor definition.

    Thanks for the answer!

    We have recently updated our rtf2pdf version and are using wRTF2PDF04W.dll for conversion. We use Embarcadero Delphi development environment. However, the size of the generated pdf document has become quite large. I wonder if there is a way to reduce this? We use the recommended (3=fast deflate compression). What I noticed is that with your recommended TextDynamic server demo -64 bit version, the file size was 38 kbyte. With previous version dll (wRTF2PDF03.dll) was 124kb. While with the one I generated was 400kb. Do you have any ideas on how the parameterization is needed to reduce the size?