Beiträge von otavio


    I have a RTF with linked images working with no problems.

    I need move my image files to a new location, and change the location of my objects in definitive.


    My current location is c:\myimages\image1.jpg and I need move the link to c:\MyNewImagesFolder\image1.jpg

    How can I do this?

    I have tryied to change the location on TextObjects without success on OnRequestHTTPImage event:

    TextObject.Source := 'c:\MyNewImagesFolder\image1.jpg';

    The images was loaded but when I save the RTF the location keeps the same.

    Anyone can help me?


    I have a RTF table with some rows, and the first row fits in one page. When I put this RTF in a WPRichText object, and update the text in any way, WPRichText insert a page break before the row, wich means, the row does not break when does not fit in the page. Property wpfDontBreakTable and wpfDontBreakTableRows are disable, so it should break the row. This problem occur in version 8.00.8 in Delphi Berlin 10.1 update 2. If i put this same RTF in WP 7.33.1 in Delphi 7, it behaves like I expect (the row breaks when does not fit in the page).


    I have some problem trying to create a table with a cell aligned vertically on bottom.

    My table was created with sucess but my cell stay aligned on top.

    The code is:

    WPRichText1.TableAdd(2, 2, [wptblActivateBorders, wptblPlaceCursorInLastCell]);

    WPRichText1.CurrAttr.VertAlignment := paralVertBottom;

    WPRichText1.InputStringW('My Text Align Bottom');

    I'm using WPTools 8.00.8

    Can you help me?
    Thanks in advanced

    I have a RTF document. Opening in Microsoft Word, this document has 1 page. If I load this RTF in a WPRichText component, in design time it shows me 2 pages. If I run the application, it shows me 1 page. If I call WPRichText.Refresh, or any other function that reformats it, it reformat into 2 pages. The problem is that it was supose to be just 1 page, and in my code I'm using CountPages, that returns 2 when it was suposed to be 1.
    In the end of the document there is a table. This table fits in the first page, but goes to the second when refreshing.