Beiträge von mik

    WPReporter uses two WPRichText components: Source and Destination. Source is supposed to have a template with defined groups, bands and fields.

    When I load the template in Source via WPRichText.LoadFromFile() - everything is OK, however when I load the same template during design-time by using RTFText property - the loaded file looses some Bands properties (I think!), like Alias and Name. Even visually the template looks different - the bands are not painted properly.

    Is this a problem with my design-time environment?
    Is there a solution?

    Thank you.

    In my application I use the wonderful ability of WPRichEdit
    to "link" a few controls together, so that the text can flow
    from one to another in case it doesn't fit entirely. By using
    this feature, I can do multi-column output in my reports, and
    similar "split" functionality, like placing parts of the text
    in separate blocks on different pages. (For those of you who
    missed it - check out TextFlow sample).

    Here is what I'm missing there: ability to affect the rules for
    calculating the "break", i.e. the place in the document
    where the split occurs. Currently, it is fully automatic, and
    the break happens on the first line, which doesn't fit.

    Here is a sample of the text, which demonstrates the need in
    more intelligent rules:

    I'd like to suggest to the engine somehow, that I prefer
    break to happen on a "subtitle" line, so that it always
    stays together with the subsequent paragraph(s).
    This is just one example - in fact, there are different
    cases like this, and they may have more complex rules.
    So it'd be nice to introduce some "user-controlled" logic

    What's the best way to approach this?



    can you please check how to fix this (I guess, it should be pretty straightforward)... when loading HTML in wptools:

    <b>bold</b> <i>italic</i>

    results in: bolditalic
    without a space between words.
    Space is also missing in many similar samples, when it is used between tagged text blocks.

    I'm not sure I understand it exactly :) ...but, in any case, the code as it is in the released version is really incorrect, because in some cases it ADDS a space even when there is none there (not only starts underscore in the incorrect place). For example, the following

    <p><a href=">TEST</a></p>

    will result in

    I wish a better fix is found... So that both things work: fixed bug and proper handling of spaces.

    By the way, this "extra" underlined space looks really bad when the text is justified and there is a significant gap between the two adjucent words...


    Is this the right correction? I also ran into this problem. However, it is not clear to me if this fix, suggested by Janno de Wit, will not break something else. Please take a look and let us know of the possible side-effects.

    (I wonder why this fix didn't make it to 4.21 version if it is correct)
