Beiträge von duncan


    I was wondering if anyone else had noticed a bit of irregular font spacing with a particular font/style combination?

    If Font is set to Arial, 10pt, with Bold style and normal ZoomFactor of 100, then certain characters appear to align slightly incorrectly. For an example, if you enter the character 'D' then it appears to have a larger space to the right than it should have; 'a' is more right aligned and 's' is more left aligned than they should be, as a result, the string 'Das' looks slightly odd. Similar effects can be seen with different font sizes and a reduced Zoomfactor.

    Has anyone else noticed this, and is it already a known problem?



    Is it possible for each page in a WPRichEdit to have it's own orientation setting (like Word?) I have a requirement that one page is portrait, and the next may be landscape, and the one after portrait again etc.

    Can't see any obvious way of doing this but does anyone know if it can be done?



    I am currently evaluating the WPPDF component, and need to make sure it will do a few things before we buy.

    For this example I am extending the WPToolswPDF demo, as we already have WPTools and would like to use it where possible.

    I am simply trying to add Outlines to the document, and have tried the following but to no avail: [code placed in TForm1.FormCreate]

    WPPDFExport.SetOutline('My Bookmark!', 'BOOK0', 0, 0);
    WPPDFExport.SetOutline('My Bookmark 2', '', 0, 0);
    WPPDFExport.SetOutline('My Bookmark 3', '', 0, 0);

    where Book0 is defined in the WPTools rich text editor being exported.

    Note that I always get 0 back as a return value from SetOutline.

    I read the examples in the help, but the outlines are added on events - can't they be added as the document is constructed?

    I presume that I am missing something obvious - could anyone give me some sample code for adding outlines?

    Thanks in advance,