Beiträge von mphilbrick


    I am using the new right-to-left feature. Again, thank you for including it. There are a few issues I have discovered so far.

    1) speed: sometimes the characters appear as fast as I type them, and other times the display of characters is considerably behind my typing. I do not know what kind of processing is required in the background, and I wish I could provide more information as to when it occurs. Do you have any ideas?

    2) backspace key: the backspace key does nothing in right-to-left mode. It should delete the last character typed.

    3) disappearing characters on right: text is normally right justified. When you type a space, the entire line moves to the right, hiding part of the first character on the line (the character on the right). As you type more spaces, more characters on the right are hidden. As soon as you type a non-space character, the line moves to the left and all characters come into view. This also occurs during word-wrapping if a space is the last character in the line of a paragraph.

    4) what is the difference between the wpRightToLeft and wpAutoRightToLeft settings? My thought was that wpRightToLeft forced the mode all of the time and the wpAutoRightToLeft setting used the current Windows language mode. Is this correct?

    I have a version of ppWPToolsPack from 2001. It was working fine with D7 and the 4.x version of WPTools.

    I just upgraded to the latest version of WPTools and had to reinstall this package. I opened the DPK and made the following changes to deal with the DesignIntf error:

    "1) Check "Designtime only" and "Rebuild as needed" in Options/Description

    2) Open up your design-time package, select the requires folder and hit the Add button.
    Type designide.dcp and hit OK. Recompile your package and the error should go away."

    This "fix" has worked in the past, but I am still getting the "DesignIntf not found" error in ppWPToolsPropEd when compiling.

    Question 1: Is there a newer version of ppWPToolsPack than the one from 2001, and if so, how do I get a copy?

    Question 2: If not, how can I get this version to install properly?

    Question 3: I am also getting an error when I open a form that contains this component. The error is "Access violation in WPTools4D7_RT.dcp" Will the answers to the first two questions solve this issue?

    [1] I tried your new method, ModifyThisHyperLinkColor.

    It does change the color, because I can see the new color reflected in the color combo box when I place the cursor in the hyperlink text. However, the actual color of the hyperlink does NOT change. It appears that the hyperlink attributes override the underlying attributes.

    What am I doing wrong? My code:

    procedure TfmRecordBreaker.rtFormHyperLinkEvent(Sender: TObject; begin

    [2] You may recall that I had a problem with the OneClickHyperlink option a few months ago. This new release does correct it as you told me. Thank you.

    Thanks so much!

    I need to clarify the second part of my question ... actually, I want to keep the hyperlink active if the user has already selected it once. However, in the HyperLinkEvent I want to be able to determine if it has been selected already so I can display a warning message.

    Since I am changing the color, can I check the color within the code of the HyperLinkEvent? If so, what is the simplest way in code?

    (1) In the HyperlinkEvent I would like to change the color of the hyperlink text to indicate to the user that this hyperlink has already been selected. This behavior is consistent with web-browser behavior.

    How do I do this in the Hyperlink event code?

    (2) I want to prevent the user from being able to select the same hyperlink twice. What is the best way to mark the hyperlink so I can check to see if it was already selected? If the color is changed as indicated above, what code could I use to determine the current color of the clicked hyperlink in the HyperlinkEvent code?