Im Zweifel immer erst BuildAll aufrufen.
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Apparently the problem was solved with the latest Delphi installer.
WPRTEReport wird nur von der "Bundle", "Premium" und "Demo" version verwendet. Bitte prüfen ob Delphi DCUs der Demo findet - möglicherweise ist der Bibliothekspfad falsch.
Oft hilft auch ein "Build All".
The stamping is implemented as a simple script stored for each page. Internally a string list is stored for each page.
The ClearText command clears the list, otherwise ach call is appending to the string list.
The PAGENO selector cause a repetion of all lines until the next PAGENO, NUMFORMAT or NUMOFFSET use. All the lines inbetween will be added to the stamp-list of the selected pages.
The stampscript is applied after all pages were loaded.
Your code uses "for PDFDoc in self do" - do you call wpview_pdfMergeW for each file and append to the previous?
If you need to append multiple pages you need to provide a comma separated list as first parameter and call wpview_pdfMergeW a single time for all files.
Linking of DLLs to EXE files is not possible. It would be somehow possible to embed the DLL in the resource and extract it on demand but I would not recommend to do this, since such technology would look suspicious to a virus checking program.
The SaveForm message has to do with the setting of the flag UseAppearances in the PDF.
In case you didn't upgrade to WPTools 8 yet
you can comment the code
in WPCtrMemo.pas to make the dblclick work as it did before the Windows update.
Thats has to do with the graphic system - width = 0 will always be drawn, if the width is specified rounding takes place. Just like Canvas.Pen.Width
Der code um spalten breiten zu ändern ist sehr komplex, mit OnMouseMove wird da nichts zu machen sein.
CombineCells kann Zellne verschmelzen ohne sie zu löschen, dann sollte auch die Änderung der Breiten möglich sein, da ja der index der zellen sich nicht ändert.
Bitte prüfen ob dieses flag gesetzt ist:
wpKeepCellsWhenCombiningCells in EditOptionsEx -
Please contact me by e-mail to
The formula is
cm / 2.54 * 1440
or use the function WPCentimeterToTwips defined in unit WPRTEPlatform.
No "Bug" here -
width = 0 means usually hairline, thats the smallest line possible on a device -
:-) Yes, of course I included this change in my sources as well.
You can add a
property Cursor;in TWPCustomRtfLabel, unit WPCTRLabel.pas
WPRichText.Num berStyles is the collection which contains the default and any added numbering styles.
To select a style use CurrAttr.NumberStyle and assign the id of the required style.
This code will create a numbering style with special before and after texts.
Example using 'CurrAttr': Assign simple 1,2,3 numbering to the selected text:
var ind : Integer;
ind := 360;
WPRichText1.CurrAttr.IndentLeft := ind;
WPRichText1.CurrAttr.IndentFirst:= -ind;
Before1.Text, After1.Text, '', wp_1, ind );
end; -
There was a problem with zooming in normal layout mode in wptools 8. It has been fixed today, V8.01.1
the tab selection reflects the current number style. If an outline style was selected, the 3rd tab will be shown.
There is also the property BevelEdges - thats part of VCL
You can use the flag wpAllColorsAreBlack in PrintParameter.PrintOptions
will do that as well for next update. -
BorderStyle does work, but you have to set property Ctl3d to false.
In my case the compiler created this code:
HIDESBASE MESSAGE void __fastcall WMSetFocus(Winapi::Messages::TWMSetFocus &Message);
HIDESBASE MESSAGE void __fastcall WMKillFocus(Winapi::Messages::TWMKillFocus &Message);
HIDESBASE MESSAGE void __fastcall WMEraseBkgnd(Winapi::Messages::TWMEraseBkgnd &Message);
HIDESBASE MESSAGE void __fastcall WMPaint(Winapi::Messages::TWMPaint &Message);