Beiträge von Mourdsoe

    I have 3 labels. Each page holds 36 labels. Instead of printing the labels in the first 3 slots on the 1st page, I want to print the first label in all 36 slots on the 1st page, the second in all slots on the 2nd page, etc.

    Is there a way to do this in code without manipulating the data?

    You are correct that was v5 code, but after your suggestion it still seemed to work, so Ill stick with it unless you suggest something better.

    Next problem is merge fields in the header/footer not merging over. I again tried to use the code that you suggested from the other post (The version 5 code):

    Q: ... SuperMerge component doesn't process merge fields in the header/footer - is it possible to fix this?

    A: SuperMerge cannot process the fields but the destination WPRichText can. SImply assign an event handler to DestText.OnMailMergeGetText (this can be the same as used for TWPSuperMerge!) and call
    DestText.MergeText(true) before you do the SuperMerge.Execute.

    But that doesnt seem to work. What would I have to do for version 4 in order to make it work?

    Also, when A user uses header/footer bands and saves the merged text, then reopens the text for editing, the header footer bands are replaced by the old header/footers. Any way to have it have the bands when the re-edit (for lcak of a better word)?

    Thanks for your help.

    I have looked at some of the other posts on the forum but still cannot get the headers/footers to carry over, let alone headers with merge fields in them.

    Here is the code I pulled from another post:

         WPMergedText.AsString := WPSourceText.AsString;

    But it still doesnt pull over any text that is in the header or footer.

    Any help would be appreciated as this has been a pain in my side for a while.
