Beiträge von dyble


    I am inserting a graphic (.bmp) into the header of our template rtf file.
    It loks ok in preview. However when I add the same graphich only smaller to the footer, it always appears at the top of the boy instead of the footer, I can send the files if yo need.



    Sorry, I can't be explaining myself very well. here is the problem.
    I have one template called main.rtf.
    I want to produce one letter at a time, from one of 4 different tables, but only using 1 template. The sql and code for it is below :
    In the table CONTRCTORS, the field CLAIM_NO does not exist so I want to pass it as a variable.


    if (dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.FieldByName('LETTTYPE').ASString = 'Insurer') or (dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.FieldByName('LETTTYPE').ASString = 'Policyholder') then begin
    WhereStatment := 'select CLAMPH as NAME, PH_ADD1 as ADD1, PH_ADD2 as ADD2, PH_ADD3 as ADD3,PH_ADD4 as ADD4,PH_ADD5 as ADD5, CLAMNO, INS_REF, PH_PC as POSTCODE from insclaim WHERE insclaim.CLAMNO ='''+ dmClaim.AdsInsClaim.FieldByName('CLAMNO').ASString +'''';
    //showmessage(WhereStatment) ;

    if (dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.FieldByName('LETTTYPE').ASString = 'Contractor') then

    fmClaim_Main.AdsSettings1.Showdeleted := false ;
    WhereStatment := 'select NAM as NAME, ADD1, ADD2, ADD3,ADD4,ADD5, POSC as POSTCODE from CONTRCTORS WHERE CONTRCTORS.COD ='''+ dmClaim.AdsWorks.FieldByName('ACCOUNT').ASString +'''';
    dmClaim.AdsWorks.Close ; //opened in FreeLettedit


    if (dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.FieldByName('LETTTYPE').ASString = 'Share') then begin
    WhereStatment := 'select NAM as NAME, ADD1, ADD2, ADD3, ADD4, ADD5, CLAMNO, SHR_PC AS POSTCODE, 0 as INS_REF from claim_share WHERE claim_share.clamno ='''+ dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.FieldByName('CLAIMNO').ASString +''' AND claim_share.NAM ='''+ dmClaim.AdsClaim_Share.FieldByName('NAM').ASString+''''

    if (dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.FieldByName('LETTTYPE').ASString = 'Share Insurer') then begin
    WhereStatment := 'select INSNAM as NAME, INSADD1, INSADD2, INSADD3, INSADD4, INSADD5, CLAMNO, INSPC AS POSTCODE, 0 as INS_REF from claim_share WHERE claim_share.clamno ='''+ dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.FieldByName('CLAIMNO').ASString +''' AND claim_share.NAM ='''+ dmClaim.AdsClaim_Share.FieldByName('NAM').ASString+''''

    with TfmViewTemp.Create(Self) do try
    Caption := cFreeFormPath +dmClaim.AdsFreeLett.fieldbyname('fileName').AsString ;
    if sfileName = '' then

    I have some info on newsgroup search.
    WPRichText1.RTFVariables.Items[0].Text etc.

    Once I fill the variables how do I insert into my document ?
    Is there an example ?

    One of the other reasons to use this method is compressing the address to remove blank lines, I can pass the address a variable.




    I have mailmerge working at the moment, however the letters in our app
    can come from many different tables and some data is not always available via sql, thus I need to either add extra fields calculated before the mailmerge is performed or better still, because I am only creating one letter at a time, pass the address and other info as variables.



    Hi I have a problem installing WPTools 4 in Delphi 5.
    Is there a step by step installion process ? I have the installation pdf
    but that only describes about packages.

    I have tried this File-Open
    c:\program files\wptools\d5 - wpshared_d5.dpk
    it installs ok, but every time I load a project or start delphi I get this error :
    this application has failed to start because Wpshared_d5_rt.bpl was not found, I have c:\program files\wptools\d5 and c:\program files\wptools\packages in library path
