Beiträge von DelphiUser


    I need to find out the width and height of the Text in a WPRichtext in pixels (without any margins!). I tried to loop through all lines and retrieve the TextWidth of that line (and convert the twips to pixels) but there is always some kind of margin included or it's the width of the whole paragraph and not the text.

    I can get the textheight with 'ActivePar.Lines[].Height' but i need to include the space between the lines too...

    Or is there another way (e.g property) to get these values?




    If I wanted to add addiational functionality to the HTML Parser, especially parsing more special characters (e.g. "ζ"), would i be able to do this if i upgraded to the PRO version of WPTools5 including the RTFEngine units? I think it's not possible with the Standard Version. Am i right?

    mfg DelphiUser


    Mit den WPTools4 konnte ich problemlos z.B. aus Word russische Zeichen in mein WPRichtext kopieren. Diese wurden auch korrekt dargestellt.

    Mit den WPTools5 funktioniert das allerdings nicht. Muss ich dort erst irgendeine Einstellung ändern ??

    mfg DelphiUser


    I have a problem with the Fontsize on the BackgroundImage.

    I draw text on a Bitmap.Canvas using Bitmap.Canvas.TextOut(...).
    Before this I set the Fontproperties of the Bitmap.Canvas exactly like the Font of the WPRichText (e.g. Fontname: Arial, Size: 11).
    Then I assign the Bitmap to the WPRichText as BackgroundImage. But when I compare the text drawn on the Canvas with the text written in the WPRichText it is slightly bigger.

    Is the BackgroundImage beeing stretched when assigned to the WPRichtext ??

    Thx for your help !!

    mfg DelphiUser