Beiträge von ghalpin

    Using WPDF4 and WPTools 9.1 Premium when using mailmerge, when I inject the following code: rtf1.ReplaceTokens('<','>'), I get an access violation error which takes me here:

    WPRTEDefs, line 47180:

    if not(ppProtectSelectedWholeTextToo in FRTFEngine.ProtectedProp) and

    (par_s<>nil) AND (par_e<>nil) and (pos_s=0) and (pos_e>=par_e.CharCount) and

    (par_s.ParentPar=nil) and (par_s.PrevPar=nil)

    and (par_e.ChildPar=nil)

    and par_e.IsLastPar


    I have not had this problem before not sure why I am getting this error, I do note that the FRTFEngine is nil.


    If I open a native word 2003 text with anything but plain text, the TWPRichText editor shows garbled text.

    I have tried this using the wpDefEditor also with the same result.

    However, if I open the default editor by double clicking the TWPRichText component and use the load menu to open a native word 2003 document. I have the option to choose "Word 97-2002" as a filter and the document opens fine.

    Please advise how to use the above filter or how to open the native word 2003 files. I am using the latest version of WpTools 5 downloaded today.


    G. Halpin

    I am using version - 17.2.2005 - V5.0 SERVICE RELEASE 12.2.

    When doing a print preview I see three pages, when I actually print, pages 2 and 3 merge together on 1 page, which is page 2.

    So, preview shows 3 pages which is correct, when printing only 2 pages are printed with the last two merged and printing on 1 page.

    Please advise asap.


    Set InsertPointAttr.Hidden to true

    All fields are not shown, in a sample 3 fields were included, the first field was read and shown correctly, the second field was skipped and the third field showed a partial field description and then the field data.

    In the rtf component, I have set up 3 fields as follows:
    <<fname>> <<mName>> <<lName>>

    here is the code:

    rtf1.InsertPointAttr.Hidden := true;

    The above works fine under wpTools4 other than the slight code modification for the InsertPoint attributes.

    Under WpTools 4 the following worked fine:

    WPMMDataProvider1.AutoLoadData := TRUE;
    rtf1.HideInsertpoints := true;

    Now with WpTools5.08 I do the following:

    rtf1.InsertPointAttr.Hidden := true;

    Only the first field get inputted, the remaining fields are not affected and do not show the data.
    Spacing is not an issue.

    Please advise.


    Under WpTools 4 the following worked fine:

    WPMMDataProvider1.AutoLoadData := TRUE;
    rtf1.HideInsertpoints := true;

    Now with WpTools5.08 I do the following:

    rtf1.InsertPointAttr.Hidden := true;

    Only the first field get inputted, the remaining fields are not affected and do not show the data.
    Spacing is not an issue.

    Please advise.
