Beiträge von old_news

    >I first compiled and installed the packages WPShared_D7_RT.dpk and
    >WPShared_D7.dpk in my Delphi 7 IDE.
    >Then, when I try to compile WPTools4D7_RT, it throws up an error saying
    >"File not found: ...WPRtfTxt.pas not found".
    >Now, I have WPRtfTxt.dcu but not the pas file.
    >How should I compile/install the WPTools and Forms packages in Delphi 7?

    Is the the Delphi 7 demo? If yes than the bad news is that it only
    works with the WPTools PRO since Delphi 7 demo uses a different VCL
    version so precompiled DCUs cannot be used.

    Otherwise please check if wptools\D7 is in the search path and that no
    other wp* units are in the path.

    >What is the best image format or what is the most efficient way to store a
    >document in the database and keep the size of the blob field size to a

    The best is to hold the image separately and use the LoadOnDemand
    feature of WPTools (TextObjectLoadStream event ...). Then you can use
    any format, for example JPEG or ZIP-BMP.

    October, 1st 2003 - WPCubed GmbH announces WPViewPDF V1.0
    (for Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 - planned: Win9x support)

    WPViewPDF was mainly created to view PDF files which were created
    using the wPDF engine, but it is also capable of viewing PDF files
    created with other windows based engines which utilize TrueType(tm)

    Since the reference PDF viewer is free and can be shipped with your
    application the big question is -
    Why do I need a PDF viewer component?

    * If you need to embed a PDF viewer into your application, then you
    need WPViewPDF since this will, most likely, no longer be allowed with
    the Acrobat(tm) Viewer Version 6 or later.)

    * If you need to load PDF files from memory, then you need WPviewPDF
    which will allow you to load PDF files from any stream. The stream
    interface makes it possible for you to use your own
    encryption/decryption scheme for the loading process.

    * If you need to print the PDF files created by your own application,
    then you need WPviewPDF which makes it possible to print several PDF
    files using just one printer job without starting any external

    * If you need to use information from PDF files as background images
    in your application, then you need WPViewPDF since it has the ability
    to extract PDF pages as metafiles.

    * Last but not least: Imagine a powerful and versatile print and
    preview system which is based completely on PDF files. The PDF files
    can be viewed, printed (with WPViewPDF or Acrobat(tm) Reader), stored
    or send via e-mail!

    Download the demo (1MB - for Windows NT and higher!)

    Order Page:

    Julian Ziersch
    WPCubed GmbH

    October, 5th 2003 - WPCubed GmbH announces WPTools V4.2

    Version 4.2 of the powerful word processing suite for Delphi and
    C++Builder introduces new impressive possibilities and enhances the
    already existing features:

    - Right-To-Left writing - when activated (globally or only for RTL
    fonts) right to left writing works - including the ability to mix RTL
    and LTR text (e.g. numbers!) in the same line of text.

    - improved OLE support: The standard image class learned to load OLE
    data from RTF and extract the metafile or bitmap definitions.

    - advanced HTML/CSS reader and writer - based on versatile generic
    XML and CSS reader and writer classes.

    - binary RTFVariables - create a stream and save and load it with your
    RTF data. Of course there also RTF compatible string variables.

    - improvement of the format routine: Better handling of the
    'non-break-table' feature and "Keep with next"

    - addition to the 'save wordwrap information' functionality -
    mail-merge overrides the locking for affected paragraphs. Using this
    wptools specialty (activated in Header.StoreOptions) it is possible to
    lock the wordwrap of text even if it is loaded into a separate
    TWPRichText editor.

    - saving of selection markers - includes saving of table selections!

    Julian Ziersch
    WPCubed GmbH, Munich, Germany

    >I would like to load in a TWPRichText object a rich text document and then
    >store it back after modification. I don't want to use TDBWPRichText.
    >What is the fastest method to move rich text from and to a database?

    Use property 'AsString' of both, TField and TWPRichText.

    >I need to change the label associated with a bookmark.
    >Currently, the only way I have found to do this is to get the location of
    >the first one (start and length), delete it, and select the block that was
    >bookmarked and create a new bookmark with the new name.
    >Is there a direct way to access the bookmark label?

    Bookmarks are text objects, similar to the TextFields (page number etc
    - not mailmerge fields!) - they can be read out and changed in the
    list WPRichText1.Memo.TxtObjLst

    Using the commads:

    WPRichText1.Memo.TxtObjLst.Find_CNameList(Name, wpcoBookMark, nil);
    WPRichText1.Memo.TxtObjLst.CurrentTag] := 'new name';

    you can change it.

    WPTools 4.11d and 4.11e (w/patch), and probably other versions. Delphi 5

    I have an option in my application that can automatically keep all text in a
    comment section on the same page when printing a dynamically built report
    based on many of these "comments". I simply walk the comment and add a Keep
    Next property on each paragraph.

    This works fine, unless a comment section spans more than what would fit on
    a whole page. If that happens, I would have expected it to begin a new
    page, fill up, and then proceed to start another page and continue.
    However, what happens is that a new page is started, but then only the first
    paragraph is printed, then a new page, and the next paragraph is printed,
    and then a new page, etc etc, until the total remaining text will fit on a
    single page, where it printes the remaining paragraphs. Pretty ugly.

    Hope there is a simple solution to fix this. :o)

    --- WPTools V4.2 fixes that problem ---

    >I want to know if it possible to type for example FYI and get : For your
    >information ?
    >I want of course can customize this (can define my own list : FYI=For your
    >information, etc ...).

    Something like this can be done easily using the event

    procedure TWordPadForm.WPRichText1AfterCompleteWordEvent(Sender:
    var lastchar: Char);
    var s : string;
    if lastchar='+' then { Auto Words }
    s := WPRichText1.CPWord;
    if CompareText(s, 'wp')=0 then
    WPRichText1.CPWord := 'WPTools'+#13+'The native Delphi
    lastchar := #0;
    end else if CompareText(s, 'pic')=0 then
    WPRichText1.CPWord := '';
    lastchar := #0;
    end else if lastchar in [#32,#9] then { Quick Correct }
    s := WPRichText1.CPWord;
    if s='teh' then WPRichText1.CPWord :='the';

    The example above uses '+' to select a macro!

    >I have .rtf files with some formatings.. like TABS... I use "TextSaveFormat"
    >as HTML to convert it to a .html file. But the TABS are ignored.
    >Is there a workaround to fix this issue? Any property to set? Or it doesn´t support it?

    Tabs are saved as spaces - there is no HTML or CSS tag to represent a tab code. WPTools V4.2 uses some properitary CSS tags to store the values to CSS to not loose them.

    >I'm converting my system from msaccess to oracle and i'm using the Oracle
    >Direct Access from CoreLab that make this task to be very simple. I have a
    >form that contain a WpReporter but the result's report is not the same when
    >is using with msaccess. There are records that not respect the
    >master-details rules.
    >There are incompatibilities with ODAC ?

    The master-detail rule is implemented in your source - maybe the EOF
    and BOF functions are not functioning the same way. The standard is
    that EOF is true when NEXT has tried once to move over the send of the
    select - I think this is a bit unlogic and maybe implemented
    differently there.

    >I have a weird problem that when I start any program that uses WPTools
    >(including the demo program from the web site) it takes over ten seconds to
    >actually finish is initialisation and display the control. The demo program
    >shows the splash screen then waits ten seconds before displaying the editor.
    >By experimentation, I discovered that it only does this when my machine is
    >connected to the local LAN. When I disable the network card, it works fine
    >at normal speed.
    >Does the WPTools component try to access the network at all during start-up?
    >Anybody else experienced this, or is it just my PC (WinXP SP1 - Office 2003,
    >IE6, 512RAM)?

    This is probably the printer driver - if it works over the net it can
    be very slow. I assume this is the reaons for it.

    For the Toolbar set FontChoice = fsScreenFonts and for the TWPRichText
    set WYSIWYG to false.

    >I now found out that the graphics still do not work properly:
    >The images do look fine in the editor now, but after saving the RTF (using
    >the ToolBar save button) and opening the rtf file in MS Word, there are
    >no pics anywhere.
    >A similar problem I have with Header and Footer: in PrintParameter it is set
    >to wprNotOnFirstPage and in the original document it actually starts from
    >page two now. But after loading the saved file into Word, there is Header
    >and Footer on page one, too!
    >So, in both cases the saved version of the RTF is different from the version
    >in the Edit element.

    wprNotOnFirstPage is a wptools speciality - to have that effect in
    Word you need to create a header for the odd and even pages and not
    for ALL pages. (See property HeaderFooterTextRange which has to be
    executed BEFORE WordKonText is used. )

    For the pictures use property WriteObjectMode set to wobRTF

    >I found in the deklaration of TAttr the EXTRA parameter with the
    >annotation that it is used for the second byte of Unicodes.
    >My question:
    >If I don't use unicodes in my documents (application) is it possible
    >to store some userdefined information, which is related to the
    >charactes in my document?
    >Or is this parameter used for any thing else?

    It is not used unless you use MemoryMode = fmRichTextUnicode. In a
    later version it will be used for charsets but also only optionally.
    You can use it.

    >Or is there an other way to store some Information (1 or 2 bytes would
    >be enough) related to the characters?
    >I also found the afsUserdefined style. Is this used by WPTools or is
    >it free for my own usage?

    It is used for a few things in wptools but usually this won't affect
    you. It is used for the RightToLeft support (which is optionally)