Beiträge von Janno de Wit


    Restructured the TextObjectLoad event.
    To test WPTools I made it very simple:

    try    cImageSource := Copy( sname, 15, Length( sname ) ); // Image naam, dus bijv: test.jpg    cImagePath   := fDSBS2.cImagePath + cImageSource;   // Path + Image, dus: c:\dcms\cache\\images\test.jpg    {*     * Search in the database for the image     *}    DSBS.qryImages.First;    if DSBS.qryImages.Locate( 'Name', cImageSource, [loCaseInSensitive] ) then begin      {*       * Gevonden! Vul het WPImage object       *}      (Sender as TWPOImage).FileExtension := ExtractFileExt( cImagePath );      (Sender as TWPOImage).LoadFromFile( cImagePath );      Done := True;    end else begin      {*       * Image niet gevonden!       *}       ShowMessage( 'Image not found!' );    end;  except    MessageDlg( 'Someting goes wrong!!', mtError, [mbOk], 0 );  end;

    It is very strange. I decided to add a showmessage in the try-except statement in WriteHTMLCode of wpembobj:

    [~line 1959]   // to execute the OnHTMLCreateImageEvent event again{$IFDEF WPALWAYSCREATEIMAGEEVENT}    FHTMLImgName := '';{$ENDIF}  except    // Better save text than nothing !    showmessage( 'failed to save image!!! exception!' );  end;

    Any idea what goes wrong?

    After a while of working i get these showmessages().

    Statement which explodes:

    if soCreateImageEventForAllImages in FMemo.Header.HTMLStoreOptions then
          FHTMLImgName := ''

    fmemo seems to be 'nil' at errortime, and procedure parameters too... s is () and filename =''...


    First, I'll test this today.
    Then, the problem exist with already saved images too.. It''s not only with new images you want to save to the html-page..

    My LoadStreamEvent code is as follows:

    procedure TfSiteAlgemeen.WPRichText1TextObjectLoadStreamEvent(  Sender: TObject; const sname: String; State: TWPOCurrState;  var Done: Boolean);var   cImage:     String;   MyFormat:     Word;   AData:        Cardinal;   APalette:     HPALETTE;   Bitm:         TBitmap;   cActiveImage: String;   cImageKaal :  String; // kale imagenaam, dus bijv 'as400' ipv '/files/images/as400.gif'   I: Integer;   TempImg:      TImage;   bImgFound:    Boolean;begin  try    cImageKaal := Copy( sname, 15, Length( sname ) );                        // kale imagenaam, 'add' bijv.    cImage     := fDSBS2.cImagePath + Copy( sname, 15, Length( sname ) );    // full local path naar image *including* extension    // check database    DSBS.qryImages.First;    DSBS.qryImages.Locate( 'Name', cImageKaal, [loPartialKey, loCaseInSensitive] );    // check of hij wel *EXACT* dezelfde naam heeft als wat ik nodig heb.    cActiveImage := DSBS.qryImages.FieldByName( 'Name' ).asString;    if cActiveImage = cImageKaal then begin      bImgFound := True;    end else begin      bImgFound := False;    end;    if bImgFound then begin // yes! hij is in de db gevonden      // load image in a TImage      try        TempImg := TImage.Create( WPRichText1 );        TempImg.Picture.LoadFromFile( cImage );      except        try          TempImg             := TImage.Create( WPRichText1 );          TempImg.Stretch     := True;          TempImg.Picture.Assign( fDSBS2.Image1.Picture.Graphic ); // error image, red cross        finally		// [..]                end;      end;    end else begin // not found      try        TempImg             := TImage.Create( WPRichText1 );        TempImg.Stretch     := True;        TempImg.Picture.Assign( fDSBS2.Image1.Picture.Graphic ); // error image, red cross      finally      end;    end;    try      (Sender as TWPOImage).Picture.Assign( TempImg.Picture );    except    end;//    (Sender as TWPOImage).ObjName := DSBS.qryImages.FieldByName( 'ImgID' ).asString;//    showmessage('senderojname: '+ (Sender as TWPOImage).ObjName);    Done := True;//    TempImg.Free;  except  end;

    Normally users insert code as follows:

    Hey Julian,

    Our customers are complaining about WPTools v4.22b. It loses (forget to save) HTML-imageobjects when writing html-page (wpxmlwriter).

    So i just test it out. And they're right. I create an HTML-page. Put some text on it, insert two JPG images and save the page as HTML.
    First time it's okay, but after a while of testing, suddenly images are not any more saved...!

    You can imagine... Customers creating a photo gallery page on their company site.. just inserting fifth image, save, and lose (all | some of) their imageobjects...

    Some more information:
    * It doesn't make sens if you have JPG/GIF images inserted. Tested only JPG / GIF and combinations.
    * It's accidently and irritating.
    * It happens with both resized and not resized images.
    * It doesn't make sense if page is having tables / links or not.. I got it with the simpliest pages too...
    * Sometimes random(x) of x images are saved.
    * I have already installed new wpxmlint422b patch. this doesn't make any sense...

    I've reached end of my mind with this problem now...


    Janno de Wit
    DNA services B.V.


    Searched for a while in WPXMLFile.pas and fixed the solution.

    You save the column-width like <TD style="width:90%">. When wptools load the page it seems that "width:90%" isn't parsed.
    But wptools will parse <TD WIDTH="90%">!

    Thus, I inserted at line ~795 of WPXMLFile.pas:

    EXTRACSSStyle := 'width:' + FormatFloat('0', (save_par^.celldef^.CWidthPC / 255) * 100) + '%;';

    // -JDW @ 06/05 Parameter toegevoegd omdat style="width:50%;" niet goed ingelezen wordt.
    FParams.Add( 'WIDTH="' + FormatFloat('0', (save_par^.celldef^.CWidthPC / 255) * 100) + '%"' );

    if not (blEnabled in save_par^.border.LineType) then

    to save the width again in <TD>.



    Yesterday upgraded WPTools to v4.22b. This solves many problems (suddenly disappearing imageobjects, etc). But there are yet some small problems:

    - Saving of the Table Border is not done correctly, see my other suggestion / post @ My Table Post. Border-width Points are calculated incorrect.

    - Reading the Cell Width is not done correctly (since 4.22(b)). The Cell width is written correctly, but in the Reading routines it's not restored, so a table width col1=10% and col2=90% will be read in wptools as col1=50% and col2=50%.

    Many thanks for solving this small problems.

    Janno de Wit.

    Hi Julian,

    I created an html-page with v4.11d. The result is as follows:

    <html><head><meta name="Generator" content="WPTools V4.0 HTML/CSS Export"/>
    <style type="text/css"><!--
    </head><BODY><p class="p"><SPAN style="font-family:'Verdana';font-size:14pt;"><B>Situatie aangemelde deelnemers</B></SPAN></p>
    <p class="p"><SPAN style="font-family:'Verdana';font-size:14pt;"><B>per </B></SPAN><SPAN style="font-family:'Verdana';font-size:14pt;color:red;">22</SPAN><SPAN style="font-family:'Verdana';font-size:14pt;"><B> maart 2004</B></SPAN><SPAN style="font-family:'Verdana';"> </SPAN></p>
    <ul style="padding:0px;margin:0 .25in;"><li class="p" style="background-color:white;"><SPAN style="font-family:'Verdana';">Company</SPAN></li>

    When I load this page in WPTools v4.22 everything is left-aligned.
    What bug can this be?

    And the second problem:
    The table i created in the previous topic is after saving some times written to HTML with the following style:


    This is a very fat border ;-) Can you fix it?



    [two minutes later:]
    It's now saved as having a 255pt border:

    <table width="100%" style="border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;width:100%;margin-left:0px;margin-right:0.00in"><tr><td class="p" VALIGN="top" style="border-style:solid;border-width:255pt;background-color:white;padding:2pt;width:60%;"

    It seems I cannot save the page again. Any new save-attempts did not save anything...


    I've got a problem with v4.22a (just downloaded)
    When i read an html page with the WPRichText the last Character the link is skipped... And the space before the link is not inserted in the code.


    this is an <a href="test.html">hyperlink</a>

    Becomes after reading in wptools:

    this is an[afshyperlink]hyperlin[/afshyperlink]

    What problem can this be?

    Many thanks,


    When I do a list with numbering in an HTML-page. At my WPTools I see:

    1. Text2. Text3. Text4. Text

    And when I show the page in a web browser, it becomes:

    I. Text
    II. Text
    III. Text
    IV. Text

    You save before the <li> tag an <ol style="list-style:upper-roman;">-tag.
    This is wrong for numbering, it should be "decimal", which is the default of IE..

    Can you fix this?



    There are stille problems with v4.21 html-handling.
    Next one:

    I have a html-file with a table. This table has borders enabled.

    The first time i save the file. It's written as follows:

    (border-collapse and border:1px solid black is appended by me).

    <table width="100%" style="border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding:1px;margin-left:0.00in"><tr><td class="p" VALIGN="top" width="7%;" style="border-style:solid;border-width:1px;background-color:white;width:7%;border-width:1px;"><SPAN style="font-size:10pt;"> </SPAN></td>

    The second time i save the file, it is saved as:

    <table width="100%" style="border:1px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;padding:1px;margin-left:0.00in">
    <td class="td" VALIGN="top" width="50%;" style="border-style:solid;border-width:0pt;background-color:white;width:50%;">
    <SPAN style="font-size:10pt;">test</SPAN></td>

    You see wptools is saving the cellborder not any more as 'border-width:1px' but as 'border-width:0pt;'. This is wrong. But *where* is it going wrong?

    Thanks for your reply,

    Hi Julian,

    Found the following:

    Writer does not save <td WIDTH=XX%>, but saves the column-width in STYLE="width:XX%".
    Reader only reads <td WIDTH=XX%>

    Okay, but now the following problem:

    FMemo.TextTables.GetLeftRight(FMemo.GetParObjectTable(save_par).TableTag, l, r);      n := FMemo.Header.PageWidth - FMemo.Header.LeftMargin -        FMemo.Header.RightMargin;      str := FormatFloat('0', ((n - (l + r)) / n) * 100); // <= ALWAYS 100??      c := DecimalSeparator;      DecimalSeparator := '.';      [..]      FParams.Add('width=' + str + '%');

    str = always 100. So always "100%" is now the str-result??

    So i searched for another problem: line ~796

    EXTRACSSStyle := 'width:' + FormatFloat('0', (save_par^.celldef^.CWidthPC / 255) * 100) + '%;';
        // jdw
        if (Pos('width:', EXTRACSSStyle) > 0) then
            FParams.Add( StringReplace(EXTRACSSStyle, ':', '=', []) );
        // jdw

    Last 2 lines of code is to save the cell-width?

    Maybe not as tidy as it should, can you fix it?


    Hi Julian,

    This is not the solution !? This is a change in WPXMLWriter. The problem is not the writer, but seems to be the xml-reader!

    The output of Wpxmlwriter is like this:

    <table width="100%" style="padding:1px;margin-left:0.00in">
      <td style="width:7%;border:0px;">

    You see the cell-width is correctly saved. But the reader does not read it correctly...


    Hi Julian,

    WPTools v4.21 with WPXMLFILE.pas is currently not loading the tablecell-width correctly. When you drag the cell-border to, say, 20% and you save the HTML file. The page is saved correct.

    But, when you reopen the page the cell-width is read incorrectly.

    Can you reproduce & fix this problem?

    Janno de Wit