Beiträge von Willem de Vries

    I need to display a currency field, and have used the DisplayText of the field to properly show it in my programs.

    WPTools5 does not respect the setting however by default when inserting the field into the RTF document.

    The InputMergeField function comes undocumented with regards to this topic. The help-file nor the documentation show how to use the parameters. What is the meaning of the parameters and when are they relevant?

    I also need to be able to create email-messages with embedded graphics. Currently i use a very basic editor and a HTMLView component with a modified GetGraphics function that looks for 'CID:Globe.bmp' inside the tag. I need this to possibly load graphics from the resource of the program.

    <a href="">
    <img src="cid:EFAdresse" height="83" width="283" border="0" />

    (I'm using this in combination with an Extended Mapi library to be able to connect to MSExchange directly. :lol: )

    Can we view a WP5Tools document in HTML-code modus and in preview mode?