Beiträge von rackerson


    I don't really have much to add that will help but at least you won't be alone here. I am using a different environment (Delphi 6 on Windows XP) but I am performing identical actions to yours. I programmatically add merge fields both by clicks and drag-n-drop.

    Following your steps, I click to add my merge field and position my cursor just after the tag marker and press CR. For me, the CR character is accepted correctly. I tested positioning the cursor BEFORE the merge field, AFTER the merge tag, and INSIDE the merge tags and it worked correctly for me each time. Sorry. Perhaps you have an event that is absorbing the CR key?


    Rich Ackerson

    Consider this issue closed. I managed to resolve it myself.

    To anyone else who may experience this issue, my steps were as follows:
    1. Remove WPTools from my Delphi environment.
    2. Delete any traces of DCU or BPL files.
    3. Remove any occurrances of USEEXPRESSBARS or any DevEx dcp from my WPTools packages or source.
    4. Close Delphi and restart.
    5. Set USEEXPRESSBARS in the WPINC.INC file. Save. For good measure I added this to the conditionals edit box in the WPTools5_D6 package as well.
    6. Compile and build the WPTools5_D6 package. The necessary DevEx files are automatically included.
    7. Compile and build the WPTools6_D6 package.
    8. Add both to my Delphi IDE.
    9. Rebuild my source.

    Fonts work again.

    I had been building my application with WPTools 5 and DevEx ExpressBars 4 with no problems. When WPTools 6.01 was released, I immediately upgraded. While most things appear to work fine in this new release, one huge problem for me has been support for ExpressBars.

    Without changing anything in my code, the two Developer Express combo boxes I had been using (for Font Names and Font Sizes) no longer seem to have any affect on my WP editor. I have double checked my code:

      - USEEXPRESSBARS is defined

      - I have an action list that contains WPToolsCustomEditContolActions actions for my font name and size combo boxes

      - the DevEx controls are linked to these WPTools actions

      - within the actions, the AttachedControl property is set to the corresponding DevEx combo boxes

      - within the actions, the AttachedControlStyle cbsAnyFonts and cbsFontSize as appropriate

    As I stated, this configuration allowed me to select fonts and font sizes when I was using WPTools 5. Under WPT6, selection of a font does nothing and no font sizes ever appear in the font size combo box.

    Anyone else experience any problems like this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    Rich Ackerson