Beiträge von jotaajp

    I've recently updated my WPTools 4 to version 4.25, and currently I'm detecting problems with mailmerge.
    I've found that the problem only appears when there are 2 consecutive insertpoints in the text. With the previous version I was using (4.11c) I never had this problem.

    If I have the following insertpoints, one next to the other (%[VAL1]%[VAL2]) and CPPosition points to the first percent sign, this method call: WPRichText1.ReadFieldAtCP(FieldName, FieldText)
    Results in
    FieldName -> %[VAL1]
    FieldText -> %[VAL1]%[VAL2]

    Besides that, in the screen, only the first % is highlighted as an insertpoint delimiter.

    Has anybody seen this? Perhaps it is a problem of how I create the insertpoints?

    Thanks for your attention.