Beiträge von vifani

    I have a stream containing a RTF document.

    Using the following code I get an issue:

    using (RTF2PDF rtf2pdf = new RTF2PDF())

    The input RTF document has three page with the footer showing pagenumbers in a custom way; "page x of y".
    In the output RTF document the footer contains the pagenumber, but the format is correct only for the odd pages (1 and 3 in my document), while the second page has the page number wrong: "only the page number with left align, totally different from the custom footer provided in the odd pages".

    This is probably a bug. Can anyone confirm it?

    I am trying the RTF2PDF demo version in a .NET project, because I am evaluating it for purchase.

    When I start my application in release, without debug, all seems to be ok. But, if I start my application from Visual Studio in debug mode, when my application ends, two runtime exception pop ups. This issue appears only If I use RTF2PDF library.

    It's possible that something goes wrong on your unmanaged code.

    Can anyone help me?

    Thank you.