Beiträge von tJey


    I have a little tricky problem. Tricky for me, little for you I hope.
    I have a table inside of cell of another table. Height of this cell is aboslute value (lets say 12 cm, but I do not know the value in runtime). Table that resides in this cell may have variable number of rows. Cells in these rows are populated with text in the runtime (so I do not know rows height).

    Now the problem :
    Inner table even after poplulated with text may have height smaller than height of cell it resides in. And sometimes the gap between table end and bottom of cell may be larger than inner table itselfs. Anyway, I "must" not let it be so. I need a way to fill the gap, by resizing the heights of rows of inner table. I am very new to WPTools, so I would be really grateful if you show some examples

    Not : if description of my problem is not clear I can prepare some examples.
