Beiträge von skowal

    When I set these fields of the form editor, there is no visible change to the print output.

    I am using WPTools V4.22, WPTools 4.22 RTF Engine, and WPForm V2.3.

    Is there some other property of the form editor that must be set in order for these properties to affect print output? I am using the form editor in "LabelDef=true" mode. Is there an issue with using offsets and printing labels?

    - Steve

    I found a bug in the fix for this problem: If a rich text object has a non-transparent background, the fix logic renders only the background and not any of the formatted text. I made the following changes to the WPFGR.pas to eliminate the problem:

    Old Code:

    procedure TWPFGGraphicText.DrawIt(toCanvas: TCanvas; r: TRect);...      wpfRTFText:        begin          if (FRTFObject <> nil) and assigned(FWPFOnRenderRTFObject) then          begin           // OLD CODE -  USING ZOOMING VALUE           if FEditor.FResInfo.FZooming=100 then           begin            if assigned(FWPFOnCanvasRTFObject) then              FWPFOnCanvasRTFObject(FRTFObject, toCanvas,                r, Data.Angle, Feditor.FResInfo.FZooming, 0, FALSE);            FWPFOnRenderRTFObject(FRTFObject, toCanvas, r, Data.Angle,              FEditor.FResInfo.FZooming, 0, FEditor.FPrintInfo.FPrinting, nil);           end           else // New code - change canvas resolution according to ZOOM           begin            saveddc := SaveDC( toCanvas.Handle );

    New Code:

    I just cleared the brushstyle before saving the device context. FYI.

    - Steve Kowal