Beiträge von antoniocarlosribeiro


    I really need your help on these subjects.

    And, after all tests made with your project test, when I copied everything to my own project, configuration dialog shows up in english, not in portuguese. I'm trying to understand it here.

    I need your help with deleting dictionaries and adding my own without user intervention in the dialog.

    Thank you in advance,



    Still wating for you answer, I have an observation:

    I've had to change WPLanguages.INC from




    Because when selecting Portuguese-Brazil in WPSpell Compiler the dictionary was appearing as Portuguese-Iberian in the application.
    This change solved it, but I don't know if it's right.

    Best regards,



    Zitat von wpsupport

    The TWPLanguiage Controller inherits of the TWPXMLTree - see wpxmlint for more info. There are methods to locate a branch in the XML and delete them.

    Sorry, Julian, my mistake. I want to remove all dictionaries and add my own, not languages! In every computer It starts with an english dictionary, I want it to start with mine.

    Thank you,



    I think I'm almost there.
    Popup and Configuration dialog now shows in my language.

    The problem, here, was that BR (Brazilian Portuguese) was just partially translated.
    I've rewritten some odd translations, misspelled words in portuguese, and translated tags that were still in english.

    I've sent you, by e-mail, my new BR branch.

    In the dialog, I'm still having a very small issue.
    The button Enable/Disable has 3 different captions:

    1) "Enable/Disable": When you click in the language root name (English-General)
    2) "Enable" or "Disable": When you click in the dictionary name (English US)
    3) "Enable" or "Disable": After clicking this button

    In this third case caption gets back to English. I think it may be using a third, different and absent xml tag.

    And I have a question, How do I remove, programatically, all languages and add just the one I need to have there?




    Doesn't work for me, even setting:

    SpellController.PersistencyMode := wpNoPersistency;

    It keeps recording somewhere my dictionaries.

    But it works when I remove or add a language within dialog.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,



    I've (re)downloaded
    I'm working with this new version and also with the xml file included. So:

    *** 1) the compiler symbol USEWPT_LANGCTRL must be defined

    Changed WPSpell_INC.INC to

    {$DEFINE USEWPT_LANGCTRL} // Use WPTools Language Controller

    *** 2) the XML data included be thw wpspell setup must be merged in wplanguagecontrol

    By "merged in wplanguagecontrol" I understood to load it, right? So I wrote that:

    WPLanguageControl1.LoadFromFile('D:\lixo\spell\spellxml.xml'); /// xml included in
    --> Let's call it spellxml_1 by now

    But before that I just got the version you save in

    --> Let's call it spellxml_2 by now

    And I found some big differences:

    spellxml_2 size: 142k
    spellxml_1 size: 30k

    spellxml_2 has a big comment section and a correct translation for <BR>
    spellxml_1 has a section <BR> but everything is in English for that language

    *** 3) the update procedure reads now:

    I'm using source files included in the new zip file

    New behaviour:

    1) Click on Localization button
    2) Select FR from popup-menu
    3) Left-click over "WPSpell" Word
    *4) Shows a Popup-menu in FRENCH ***** SOLVED (before it was in English at the first try)
    5) Click on "Configure"
    *6) Shows a dialog in English ***** (no changes on that!)
    7) Click in OK button
    *8) Left-click over "WPSpell" Word ***** SOLVED (as said in the step 4)
    *9) Shows a Popup-menu in French (but "Configure" & "Languages" are still in English) ***** SOLVED (as said in the step 4)
    10) Click on "Configure" button
    *11) Shows a dialog in English, not in French ***** (Still showing in English)

    And if I try to switch to BR it doesn't change the Popup dialog to BR.
    Even if I try a WPLanguageControl1.LoadFromFile from spellxml_2, wich has a correct translation for BR.

    Best regards,



    Now I'm able to compile it, thanks. But look at the behaviour here:

    1) Click on Localization button
    2) Select FR from popup-menu
    3) Left-click over "WPSpell" Word
    4) Shows a Popup-menu in English
    5) Click on "Configure"
    6) Shows a dialog in English
    7) Click in OK button
    8) Left-click over "WPSpell" Word
    9) Shows a Popup-menu in French (but "Configure" & "Languages" are still in English)
    10) Click on "Configure" button
    11) Shows a dialog in English, not in French

    Best regards,



    Couldn't make it work. I'm trying to switch do spanish with your xml file, but I allways get an english dialog, look:

    WPLanguageControl.GlobalLanguage := 'ES';
    WPLanguageControl.AutoLoadStrings := TRUE;

    What am I doing wrong?



    Is this the correct way to use it?:



    FSpellControler := TWPSpellController.Create(self);
    FSpellControler.PersistencyMode := wpUseRegistry;
    FSpellControler.Active := TRUE;



    It doesn't use my dictionary and also doesn't change labels in the Configure Dialog. "corretor-ortografico.xml" is a translated file to Brazilian Portuguese.

    Thank you.


    But there was a Way to use WPTools (3, 4?) to spellcheck words, and we spent some time on getting it working here. There isn't anymore? Because I had to upgrade (to 5, 6...) now am I really obliged to buy another product to do this?

    Is there any documents that explain how to create a third party product to interface with WPTools to spell check?

    Thank you,


    Guys in those cases of strange behavior of margins just change, in ppWPTools.pas the

    {-$DEFINE PRINTER_AS_REFERENCE} //OFF: Use the printer as reference unless WPUseScreenAsReference := true


    {$DEFINE PRINTER_AS_REFERENCE} //OFF: Use the printer as reference unless WPUseScreenAsReference := true

    or set

    WPUseScreenAsReference := FALSE;

    And it will work fine.

    Thanks for your support Julian!

    Best regards,

    Antonio Carlos

    WPTools (Richtext) is exceeding the RightMargin. Below there's a simple DFM that does not respect right margin. Can you help me?

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    'tdefaultcl{\*\generator WPTools_5.370;}{\qj\plain\fs22 BRAS\''CDL' +
    'IA - Diante da forte desacelera\''E7\''E3o da atividade econ\''F4mi' +
    'ca, o Comit\''EA de Pol\''EDtica Monet\''E1ria (Copom) do Banco Cen' +
    'tral decidiu, nesta quarta-feira, reduzir em um ponto percentual' +
    ' a taxa Selic, que passar\''E1 a 12,75% ao ano. Foi a maior queda' +
    ' da Selic desde dezembro de 2003, quando a taxa passou de 17,5% ' +
    'para 16,5%. Desde setembro de 2007, o BC n\''E3o reduzia a taxa d' +
    'e juros. Logo ap\''F3s a decis\''E3o da Copom, bancos anunciaram r' +
    'edu\''E7\''F5es em suas taxas.\par'#13#10'\pard\plain\qj\plain\fs22\par'#13 +
    #10'\plain\fs22 A decis\''E3o desta quarta-feira do Copom n\''E3o foi' +
    ' un\''E2nime. Um total de cinco diretores do Banco Central votou ' +
    'a favor do corte maior, de um ponto, enquanto outros tr\''EAs def' +
    'enderam um corte de 0,75 ponto percentual. O corte de um ponto e' +
    'ra previsto por alguns analistas do mercado, mas muitos apostava' +
    'm em uma queda menor, de 0,75 ponto percentual.\par'#13#10'\pard\plain' +
    '\qj\plain\fs22\par'#13#10'\plain\fs22 Clique aqui e entenda os motivos' +
    ' que levaram o Copom a cortar os juros.\par'#13#10'\pard\plain\qj\plai' +
    'n\fs22\par'#13#10'\plain\fs22 Numa reuni\''E3o, o Copom tamb\''E9m indic' +
    'ou que o processo de corte dos juros pode ser mais intenso, por\' +
    '''E9m mais curto. Pelo comunicado distribu\''EDdo \''E0 imprensa, o' +
    ' BC afirma que "inicia um processo de flexibiliza\''E7\''E3o da po' +
    'l\''EDtica monet\''E1ria, realizando de imediato parte relevante d' +
    'o movimento da taxa b\''E1sica de juros, sem preju\''EDzo para o c' +
    'umprimento da meta de infla\''E7\''E3o".\par'#13#10'\pard\plain\qj\plain' +
    '\fs22\par'#13#10'\plain\fs22 M\''EDriam Leit\''E3o: Mesmo com corte, Bra' +
    'sil tem maiores juros reais do mundo\par'#13#10'\pard\plain\qj\plain\f' +
    's22\par'#13#10'\plain\fs22 Em abril de 2008, o Banco Central (BC) usar' +
    'a a mesma estrat\''E9gia ao anunciar a alta da Selic de 11,25% pa' +
    'ra 11,75%, com medo de a infla\''E7\''E3o sair do controle com a d' +
    'emanda aquecida. Agora, o cen\''E1rio \''E9 o oposto, por causa da' +
    ' crise global. Um dos principais sinais foi a atividade da ind\''' +
    'FAstria em dezembro, que recuou cerca de 5%. No mesmo m\''EAs, ho' +
    'uve perda recorde de empregos formais, com mais de 650 mil demis' +
    's\''F5es. Al\''E9m disso, o BC entende que o risco de a desvaloriz' +
    'a\''E7\''E3o cambial - que ultrapassou 30% desde setembro - contam' +
    'inar os pre\''E7os \''E9 menor agora por causa da expectativa de q' +
    'ueda da infla\''E7\''E3o.\par'#13#10'\pard\plain\qj\plain\fs22\par'#13#10'\pla' +
    'in\fs22 O ministro da Fazenda, Guido Mantega , disse estar satis' +
    'feito com o corte de um ponto percentul da taxa b\''E1sica de jur' +
    'o (Selic). E, apesar de admitir que, mesmo assim, os juros no Br' +
    'asil continuar\''E3o os mais altos do mundo, afirmou que o govern' +
    'o continuar\''E1 tomando medidas para reduzir o custo financeiro ' +
    'no pa\''EDs. J\''E1 o Pal\''E1cio do Planalto comemorou discretamen' +
    'te a decis\''E3o do Copom . Na avalia\''E7\''E3o de auxiliares dire' +
    'tos do presidente Luiz In\''E1cio Lula da Silva, pela primeira ve' +
    'z, desde que come\''E7ou a crise financeira internacional, o Banc' +
    'o Central (BC) demonstrou sensibilidade\par'#13#10'\pard\plain\qj\plai' +
    'n\fs22\par'#13#10'\plain\fs22 Recentes dados econ\''F4micos indicam uma' +
    ' tend\''EAncia de desaquecimento e infla\''E7\''E3o em queda, refor' +
    '\''E7ando a expectativa de que os juros fossem cortados.\par'#13#10'\pa' +
    'rd\plain\qj\plain\fs22\par'#13#10'\plain\fs22 A reuni\''E3o do Copom du' +
    'rou cerca de duas horas e meia. A pr\''F3xima reuni\''E3o do Copom' +
    ' ocorre nos dias 10 e 11 de mar\''E7o.\par'#13#10'\pard\plain\plain\fs2' +
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    Have you solved that problem? I'm having the same!

    Thank you,

    Antonio Carlos

    Zitat von lucascompa

    I'm upgrading from WPTools 5.29 to 5.30.

    I have a problem with the new RBSupport unit. If you make a new empty report with Report Builder.
    1. Put a TppWPRichText control in the detail band
    2. Activate the Stretch property
    3. Modify the text writing 2 pages of text.
    4. Now close the rich-editor and make a Preview.

    Text does not respect footer-height and right margin...