Beiträge von instinctfx

    We have some forms that are printing out with page parts missing.

    Using adobe to print a PDF from M$ word, the pdf print in adobe is fine except when we try to print these PDFs off with WPViewPDF

    In the attached image there are some examples of the odd outputs

    The words, PATIENT DETAILS where IE in patient are running together and the same with IL in DETAILS

    Also, some text with a border around it is missing the top line of the borders

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Any ideas on what is causeing this ??

    WPViewPDF is being called via the dll.

    That doesnt make a difference, it still prints out a document that contains no images in the header.

    this appears to only happen when running a service.

    If we run this as an application, there is no problems.

    ************** EDIT ******************
    ALSO note that when trying to convert to PDF using TWPPDFExport first then opening the PDF in a viewer the images are not printed as well.
    Also without alling ReformatAll(True, False), the method pdfExport.Print will access violate in a service.

    With this code below, i can open a file into a visual editor (stock placed component no modifications) and send it to a printer and everything prints fine

    Var  vEditor: TWPRichText;begin  vEditor := TWPRichText.CreateDynamic;  try    vEditor.PrinterSetup;    editor.SaveToStream(FStream);    if FStream.Size > 0 then    begin      FStream.Position := 0;      vEditor.LoadFromStream(FStream);      vEditor.PrintParameter.PrintOptions := vEditor.PrintParameter.PrintOptions + [wpAlwaysHideFieldmarkers];      vEditor.Print();      vEditor.Clear;    end;  finally    FreeAndNil(vEditor);  end;



    When the same code is executed via a service on a remote machine, the printing does not print out any headers at all.

    Any ideas on why this would be the case ?

    The only difference on the server side the data is streamed from a TBlobfield into a memory stream then the same process is followed to print a document and the printer to send to is returned dynamically from a database.

    Any particular reason why this would not print out a documents headers ?

    (Yes the physical printer is setup correctly)

    Zitat von wpsupport


    I can copy in this cases - are you sure Ctrl+C is not overruled by a shortcut in the menu?


    No there is no overriding control C. :(

    ive just ran a couple more tests and found that this appears to happen when the typist types to the end of the line and cursor moves to the next line down.

    Lines that a re short of the far right hand margin will copy fine but wont if the word is wrapped to the next line down

    Not sure if ive missed an option for this or not seen a similar issue here but

    But when a user moves the cursor to the beginning of a line of text then press Ctrl Shift END to select all the text in that line and press control C after that the copied text does not end up in the clipboard.


    Pressing shift and down to highlight the text and copy does not copy the text either.

    Pressing HOME on the line then ctrl shift END does not copy

    All of these no copies will work if you move the cursor in one character then press ctrl shift end does work, seems to only happen with the cursor at the very beginning of a line of text

    Using WPTool 5.44

    Cannot get images that are copies externally that are pasted into the document to save with the file.

    Is there some option ive missed that i cant seem find anywhere to get this to work.

    Paste and save works in the mini demo (which just uses SaveToFile)
    Attempted the same thing with no images being saved (only those that are pasted from clipboard)