Beiträge von Charlie

    We use the wprichedit control to edit HTML descriptions of products, people, etc.

    More and more we find that most of the font sizes embedded in HTML are set to absolute font sizes - e.g., 1 - 7, as opposed to being font sizes like 12, 24, etc. When the absoulte font sizes are loaded, wprichedit seems to find the closest match for font size (e.g., 2 will get set to font size 12 and similar). However, this then messes up the original HTML when any minor change is saved back (e.g., make changes to a word or sentence - the prior sentence in HTML has an absolute font size 3, the changed has font size 12, and the browsers show different size text for each).

    Is there a way to change the built in combo box for the wptoolbar to use absolute font sizes when in HTML mode or similar? Is there a better approach?

    Help is appreciated.



    Thanks Julian. I was just about to post the following code that I just now got to work. Can you tell me if one solution is better than the other? Note that mmoudcpro is the name of the richtext control

    I have wptools 6 and it is loading html pages and images very nicely (after adding graphex and synapse libraries). My question is how can I insert picture where the source is a web image (e.g., I've searched the groups and the manuals and can't find what I am looking for. Basically, I want the user to be able to enter an image URI (e.g., and have that insert the appropriate image code and display the image inside the wprichtext control. Something that results in rtf code along the lines of:

    {\field{\*\fldinst{INCLUDEPICTURE "" MERGEFORMAT \\d \\w11250 \\h1575}

    Help is appreciated (I have tried the inputhyperlink code below and similar inputstring code but it does not work):

    imageurl : string;
    imageurl := '<a href="#"><img src="" </a>';
    imageurl := InputBox('Enter Image URL','URL',imageurl);
    mmoudcpro.InputHyperlink(imageurl, 'link');