Beiträge von x2net

    Looking at the PDF in a hex editor I can't tell whether the spaces are there or not because I can't see the plain text. I guess it is maybe Unicode or something. It's actually the PDF documentation for prototype.js that I was experimenting with. I'll send it along.

    For interest, Adobe Reader gets the spaces when copying to the clipboard.


    Ok thanks, glad I asked first!

    I was hoping for something a little closer to Acrobat, with a heading across the top that said "Bookmarks" with maybe a X at the end to close it, and some graphic icons on the nodes. It just looks a little "stark" at the moment and the lack of a header makes it look sort of unfinished.

    Here is Acrobat and wpViewPDF together to show...

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    It would also be nice if there were some way it could remember the width it is set to from run to run (or could my my app code do this somehow)?


    I'd like to change the way the bookmarks are displayed (different icons/fonts etc.). It doesn't really fit in with the "style" of the app I am developing.

    I can see it is implemented as a treeview, so I am thinking of making it invisible, and then extract the data from it using windows messages and basically clone it into my own display. Before I go down this road though I'd need to know whether I would be able to get the page number or whatever it uses to force the navigation. Is that held in the treeview itself and therefore accessible? Am I likely to be able to achieve this?


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    It's not my PDF, it's just one I am experimenting with. I'm no expert on the PDF format but Adobe Reader when you click the hyperlink jumps to the appropriate page in the same PDF file so I'm guessing it does use such a destination? How could I tell for sure?

    And if it isn't a suitable destination would it be better if the links didn't highlight and the cursor not change?


    I have a PDF document being displayed in wpViewPDF that contains hyperlinks. The hyperlinks are highlighted, and when I click the mouse the pointer changes to a hand, but the document doesn't seem to jump to the hyperlink, it just does nothing.

    wpDontHighlightLinks and wpDontUseHyperlinks are both set to false. If I set them to true the hyperlinks are correctly not highlighted and the mouse pointer doesn't change, but I actually want the hyperlinks to work.

    Is there something I have to do? Using V1.14.

    (Oh, the demo viewer you ship doesn't follow the hyperlinks either).
