Beiträge von Felipe


    If we create for example a table with rows and columns contents in code, is it possible to enclose the whole operations in only one undo step, in a way the user can go back in only one undo operation?.

    Thank you.



    I am trying to use TWPWordConverter but it does not work, reporting a out of index in a string list.

    The error happen in WPWordConv, in this line:

    FConverter := FConverters[format]

    FConverter is a privated field into the component, but I do not see any code into the component filling it with the converters.

    Is anybody using this converter?. (WPDemo seems to work for this purpose, but I don't have the source code for following it).



    On WPT4 MovePosition(wpmHome, False) moves to CPPosition=0; but in WPT6 it moves to CPPosition=-1.

    It's amazing to see how this little thing can drive to crazy in a project, but I can't find that change documented.


    Hi Wolfgang;

    Noup, I also tried both ideas but they don't do the trick. Is this a bug?. By the way, I am using a normal TWPRichText component with all the defauls; I only changed to wpPlayNormal.




    Working with WP4 I can SelectAll and then assigning SelText to a new value; or also I can delete the whole selection inserting #127. I can't do the same with WP6. For example:

    procedure Test;
    with WPRichText1 do
    Text := 'This is the old text ';
    SelText := 'This is the new text';

    This example finishes with "This is the old text This is the new text" in WP6, but it must be only "This is the new text". Similar problem if I do:

    procedure Test;
    with WPRichText1 do
    Text := 'This is the old text ';
    InputString('This is the new text');

    As the documentation of WP6 does not say to much about SelectAll and SelText, I can't find what is missed.

    Any idea?



    In some cases table painting loses the bottom border line. Some times it happens when deleting text or paragraphs that are down de table. In the next graphics I show a table before and after inserting a page break (and it is inserted after a few paragraphs down the table).

    Before inserting the page break:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    After inserting the page break at cursor position:

    [Blockierte Grafik:]




    In WPTools4 there was a event called OnParagraphAttrChange. How to detect when the paragraphs attributes changes in WPTools 6?

    Or, what is the best event to report in the status panels the current paragrahp attributes?

    Thank you.


    I have only one installation folder for both, WPTools and wPDF. The only way I found to fix this, is to open and compile a project with WP components after installed the package, but before exiting D2007.


    I try to install WP6+Premium+wPDF on a Delphi 2007. So I run the 3 setup programs, and the configuration tool for Delphi 2007. Then I copy all the files form the premium floder into de D2007 folder. Then I modify the WPINC.INC to define WPPREMIUM and WPPDFEX. Then I add to the library path the folders D2007 of both, WPTools and wPDF. Then I open WPTools6_D11_W32.dpk and install it. It goes, but getting lots of warnings like:

    [DCC Warning] WPTools6_D11_W32.dpk(43): W1033 Unit 'wpDefActions' implicitly imported into package 'WPTools6_D11_W32'

    But it installs. The problem is that next time I run D2007 the package appears unchecked in the packages list.

    What is missed?
