Beiträge von timk5020

    I am wanting to use a Rich Text Label so I do not have access to the OnInternPaint, So instead I am extending the class and redoing the Paint procedure.

    I am using the DrawRTF function and drawing five different times. Four of one color and each moved to the left, right, top, or bottom by 1 or 2.

    But I am having an issue with the width and height. They work in the original paint procedure but in my paint procedure they does not. They do not draw to scale.

    Any help would be appreciated as always. And I want to thank you for the last three answers in other posts you had given me. Seems better to thank you here than in three different places.

    I know I have been asking a lot of questions lately but I happen to have one more.

    Is there a way to outline the text in another color?
    For example, instead of having just back text there it would be the black text and around all the edges would be a different color that's maybe one or two pixels wide.

    Would you have any suggestions on where to start if I were to work in the WPRichText code to make it a possibility? For my purposes I wouldn't need the data saved into the RTF just an option for display.

    Thank you[/img]

    Hello again,

    Is there a way to set the width of the page? It appears to be an 8x11 piece of paper. Would it be possible to define it as a 4x4 piece of paper?

    This would be awesome if there is a way to do it. I Have been looking and not found anything yet.

    Thank you

    I have a rich text label and let the user put text into it using a button that copies text from the WPRichText. Is there a way for me to format the text inside the rich text label. After it is in there I would like to then format it to be centered. Instead of left justified as they may send it in

    Thank you Julian.


    I appreciate you putting in a workaround. I, however, have still not found the cause of this issue. What outside of wptools is causing the mousewheelup to be called so many times?

    Thank you


    On the popup menu of the scroll bar when you right click on it, clicking the "scroll up" option works! It scrolls up an equal amount that it scrolls down. But still if you turn the mousewheel up one notch it jumps all the way up to the top.

    Well I tested that idea out, and was going to send it to you, but when I copied it into a new app the problem went away. So my thought is that it must be in my code somewhere. However, I just noticed that in the original program it has the same problem in the IDE, before the program is even running.

    I'm still working on it and ill get back here to post when i find something new. Thank you for any more help you can provide.

    I have been working with a WPrichText for a little over a week now. And in the last two days I have found that when I use the mousewheel down, it scrolls at a very nice pace. However when I scroll up it goes all the way to the top, in only once click of the mousewheel.

    Now I have tested it in a fresh program with only the WPRichText on the form and it works there as it should.

    However does anyone have any idea what could be happening in my program? No where in code am i setting the CPPosition to the top. Nowhere am I calling any scrollbar functions.

    Thank you for your help.

    Using the WPRichText I am sending parts of the text out to a Microsoft PowerPoint Slide. WPTools is working great! Microsoft power point however does not like to have numbered lists pasted into it. It changes them all to bullets or just messes them up visually.

    So I was wondering if WPTools had a way to convert all the numbered lists in the editor to just text.

    If the numbered list was

    1. cat
    2. dog
    3. mouse

    it would convert it to

    1. cat
    2. dog
    3. mouse

    only it would not be a numbered list, just text as if someone had typed it in manually. Let me know if there is anything built in to do this or if you have any suggestions on code that would do this. I have the start of an idea how to do it programmatically but I do not have it all fleshed out yet.

    Thank you

    It would seem time fixes all problems. Or most of them anyway.

    From another function used earlier I was leaving some text selected. Turns out when text is selected the cursor is invisible. Clearing the selected text fixed my problem.

    Hello again,
    I have a button to the right of a RichText. When clicking this button it moves the Rich Text cursor to a location I have stored in a label. I then call RichText.SetFocus. My hopes were the user would see the blinking cursor in the richtext right where I put it. However the cursor does not appear until the user presses a button.

      index := 0;
      for i := 0 to Editor.TextObjects.ObjCount-1 do
          if Editor.TextObjects.ObjList[i].Name = 'SLIDE' then
              if index = slide-1 then Editor.CPPosition :=   Editor.TextObjects.ObjList[i].ParentPosInPar + Editor.TextObjects.ObjList[i].ParentPar.Position+2;

    Thank you for any help.

    To reiterate I wanted a richtext label on the form that i could change its width and have the text word wrap automatically.

    After lunch I threw some text into the label in the IDE and when I ran it everything worked. So wordwrap was not working for me when the label started out empty but if it started out with a space or any text at all it worked like a charm.

    I would like to be able to change the width of the a richtextlabel to half of a page width. When I do this on the form the page within the label still runs off the right of the components viewable area. Is there a way to change the page width so I can have a narrow rich text label?


    Hi Julian

    I just downloaded the demo for WPTools6 and the issues I was encountering yesterday are gone.

    I now have my editor working to the point where I can have bold/italic/underline working. However when I use the code below to change the color of the font


    all of the previous formatting goes away. However when I switch the color back the formatting reappears.

    With some further testing I find that I cannot apply any bold/italic/underline to any colored font. In the editor that comes with wptools6 it works there. So what am I missing?

    Thank you.

    Zitat von wpsupport

    It would be even easier to work with the standard actions included in wptools - here you get automatic update of the current state.

    Thank you for your help. I happen to have been thrust into using wptools and I have not been able to scrounge up any documentation. Could you point me in the direction to where I could find the standard actions you refer to.

    I appreciate your help.

    I am using the TWPRichEditor and making my own buttons to make bold text. I am using the code below.


    However the changed does not take effect until I hit enter and go down to a new line then the style is working from that line forward. Am i going about this using the wrong method or is there a method to call to make the style active immediately.

    I was also checking out the demo (wordpad5) or whatever its called and it seemed to work the same way. Also I have not been able to get underline to work.

    Thank you for any help.