Beiträge von Elprusio


    We are using WPtools 6 in a delphi 7 environment.

    Problem description:
    We add a picture to a WPRichtext-component.
    This is our code:
    wpBody.Memo.RTFData.TextObjects.Insert(WPLoadObjectFromFile(wpBody.Memo.RTFData, openDialog.FileName));

    (wpBody is WPRichText)

    Now, we want to add this in our database (In a blobField)
    this is the code:
    aStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    wpBody.SaveToStream(aStream, 'HTML');

    Now, The picture shall not be saved , it will be disappeared.
    How must we save this in a blobfield as HTML ?

    We use a Firebirddatabase.

    thanks in advance.
    gr Hans


    I use WPPreview to have a preview of my DBWPRichText component for mailmerge.
    So, I linked my preview component to my richtext component.
    I added some mergefields to my richtext and i have created a button to get a preview.

    Now everything works fine but the DBWPRichtext shall also merge my mergefields and not only my preview.
    That is understandable because a preview is linked to a richtext and you have to this : wprichtext.mailmerge().

    But, is there a way to do the merging only in the preview ?
    When i'm doing my preview i need the unmerged text as well and on my preview only the merged text.

    I'm using delphi 7 with WPtools 6.

    gr Hans