Beiträge von golemsoftware

    If I paste justified text from Microsft Word 2003 / 2007 / WordPad Windows 7 and save and re-open the document, I see spaces into words of text. The spaces between the words are also sometimes increased not visually, but really (with more space chars).
    Example: "This is a tex t with the pro blem".
    To Replicate this problem you can create a new justified document in wptools, in Times New Roman 12 font, save it and re-open the document. All works. If you add some text pasting some justified text from Microsoft Word, modify some written words with ptools, save and re-open the document, you'll see these words separated by space chars. The spaces between the words are also sometimes increased, not visually, but really (with more space chars). Changing the text alignment to left, the spaces are not removed.

    Could you please give me a solution?

    Best Regards
    Golem Software

    the problem does not occur with this change:

    in unit ppWPTools.pas

    in TppCustomWPTRichText.SetRichText(Value: string) method

    I replaced



    if FPaintEngine.RTFData <> nil then
        //FPaintEngine.Memo.DisplayedText := FPaintEngine.RTFData.Get(wpIsBody, wpraOnAllPages);

    basically the Reformat implementation without this line
    FPaintEngine.Memo.DisplayedText := FPaintEngine.RTFData.Get(wpIsBody, wpraOnAllPages);

    please fix your source code

    Best Regards

    Using a one column table, if I try copying the whole row into clipboard then inserting an new row below and pasting the clipboard value,
    the program goes crazy in a loop operation. (application freeze).

    If my table gets more than one column (two or more columns), then, copy operations between rows are successfully accomplished.

    Waiting for a prompt and effective solution dear sirs. I remain.


    1) With "{$DEFINE WPTOOLS_MAILMERGE}" set disabled the mailmerge of "<field>" didn't work.

    in TppCustomWPTRichText.MergeDBFields I added these rows to mantain the correct text format and to delete field tags when value is blank

    sfValue := lDataPipeline.GetFieldAsString(lFieldName);---->     Cursor.GetCharAttr;---->     if sfValue <> '' then                  FPaintEngine.Memo.InputString(sfValue)---->     else---->           FPaintEngine.Memo.Cursor.ClearSelection(true, false, false);


    2) I overrided LoadWPTRichText in TppWPTRichText class to fix mailmerge (before my intervention the text shown was the same in all records)

    this is my code implementation:


    3) The TppWPTRichText.edit metoth displays an editor (TWPToolsEditor) that does not allow the addition of <field> selecting from a list. I put the old code of rbsupport for wptools4

    Please fix your code.

    Best Regards

    Waiting for your response, I examined the source code and I found the solution.

    in unit WPSpell_Controller I added this row:
    " Result := aword;"

    in this method:

    function TWPDCT.AdjustForDCT_out(aword: WideString): AnsiString;
    if FHeader.codepage = 60000 then
    OemToAnsi(PAnsiChar(aword), PAnsiChar(aword));
    Result := aword;
    end else
    if (FHeader.codepage>0) then
    Result := WPWideStringToANSI( FHeader.codepage, aword );
    end else
    Result := aword;

    Please correct your source code for future releases.

    Best Regards

    I use WPtools v.6.13 and the last version of wpspell .
    I compiled and tested your SpellDemo

    SpellAsYouGo works perfectly, but spell dialog don't.

    -- Problem 1 --
    If the text of editor is:
    WPSpell Test Application. The bok is on the table.

    on executing StartSpellCheck(wpStartSpellCheck)

    the dialog spell checker is shown with the full line
    WPSpell Test Application. The bok is on the table.
    on the field "In Dictionary". The field "Change to" and "Suggestions" are blank.

    Why dialog get full line instead of individual words?

    -- Problem 2--
    if the text of editor is composed by more lines (ex. 10)
    on executing StartSpellCheck(wpStartSpellCheck)
    the application freezes.

    How can I fix these problems?