Beiträge von bern

    Hello all,

    Currently I am trying the wrtf2pdf demo for saving rtf pages to images. The final purpose of this is to be able to print rtf files from C# and have the possibility to set the tray number for each page.


    When I look at the documentation for getpageasbitmap I see the following code:

    IWPMemo Memo = wpdllInt1.Memo;

    // Open Tiff (Mode=512). Bit depth=1
    Memo.GetPageAsBitmap(0, "c:\\rtftotiff.tif", 300, 300, 512+1);

    The first line already results in a compile error. So I added the WPTDynInt dll. It didnt seem to work the first time. With the WPDLLInt it openened a new window where I would like to run getPageAsBitmap on the background.

    Is there any solid solution for this?

    In short my problem is:
    I cant get the getPageAsBitmap function to work for RTF2PDF.

    My code:

    RTF2PDF pdf = new RTF2PDF();
    pdf.DebugPath = @"pathtodebug";
    pdf.Memo.LoadFromFile(@"pathtortf", true, "AUTO");

    What I would like is something like pdf.Memo.GetPageAsBitmap