Beiträge von Alex

    If you don't have any solution for controle z-order of DrawBitmap, I will try to convert my Bitmap into a TJPEGImage and after use DrawJPG function.
    But, I don't know how to use this function, can you show me an example with a TJPEGImage please ?

    I want to draw a transparent bitmap with Wpdf and i can't realize It.
    I use the FillRect function to paint a background and I write text on it. Then, I try to merge a Bitmap with it and it is hidden by the Rect I draw.

    when I don't use the FillRect there is no problem.

    Is anybody can help me?

    this is my code :

    MyPDFPrinter->Canvas->Brush->Color = clRed;
    MyPDFPrinter->Canvas->FillRect( x, y, w, h);
    MyPDFPrinter->Canvas->TextOut( x+10, y+10, "Test");
    MyPDFPrinter->Canvas->CopyMode = cmSrcAnd;
    MyPDFPrinter->DrawBitmap( x, y, w, h, (UINT)Bmp->Handle);

    I inserted two pages in a pdf, which include each one a different watermark. I manage to open the pdf generated under Acrobat 7 but not under Acrobat 5. Is there a solution to be able to open it under Acrobat 5?