Beiträge von erikfandersen

    Hello again,

    I'm now very nearly done upgrading to WPTools5 and WPForm 2.50. Man what a huge task this has been! Please never never again make such huge changes to the design!!

    I have yet another (small) problem that hopefully has an easy work-around?

    In WPTools4 I had code like this:

    self.WPRichText1.TopOffset := self.WPRichText1.ActiveLine^.y_start;

    This was used to display the active line as the first visible line in the control. I used the code in conjunction with bookmarks to jump around in the text.

    How can I do the same thing in WPTools5?



    I am now in the process of upgrading WPTools4 to WPTools5 and WPForm 2.30 to WPForm 2.50.

    Much has been changed I must say but I have been able to find fixes for most.

    I am however in doubt how to fix the following code:

    var par: PTParagraph;
    par := self.ActivePar;
    while (par<>nil) do
    Include(par^.Prop, parIsProtected);
    par := par^.Next;

    Can someone help me here?



    By accident I allowed some of my users to paste graphics into a TWPRichText. This caused the database to become very large which is something I want to avoid.

    I have now written a small program to extract all the images (as TWPOImageObject object) and save them to a file instead. The images has been replaced with hyperlinks.

    The "strange" thing is that while the database table with the richtext shrunk from 1.35 GB to 850 MB, I only extracted about 250 MB worth of images.

    Why does the images take up twise as much in richtext as on disk?