Beiträge von jimpix


    Users report that sometimes a big black square is showing when they are typing documents with WPTools, and it disappear after a few seconds :

    This problem occures only when using WPTools, so I just wanted to know if someone had ever experienced something similar ?

    Thank you !


    I would like to use the TWPToolPanel with a TActionList but it is not working, I don't see what I'm doing wrong :

    1. I place a WPRichText, a TActionList and a TWPToolPanel
    2. In the TActionList I create a standard action "WPASetupPage"
    3. I link the WPRichText with the TActionList and with the TWPToolPanel
    4. I place a WPToolButton on the WPToolPanel, and I assign the action WPASetupPage1 which i just created

    Nothing happens when I click the button. Shouldn't it open the Page Setup dialog ?

    Version : WPTools 7.25 +premium

    Thank you for the help !


    I'm using InsertGraphicDialog and I would like to know if there is a way to compress image size during the insertion ?

    For instance if I'm inserting a very big JPG file, I would like to reduce its size to fit the page width and to compress the picture so it takes less space in the database.

    In the released notes it is mentionned that "TWPOCustomImage.CompressEx can now resample images", but I couldn't make it work properly.

    Thank you for your help !


    I'm using fields in my documents with a custom opening and closing char :

    WPRichText.InsertPointAttr.Hidden := True;  WPRichText.InsertPointAttr.CodeOpeningText := '[';  WPRichText.InsertPointAttr.CodeClosingText := ']';

    Then I show the special characters on my document:

    WPRichText.ViewOptions := WPRichText.ViewOptions +       [wpShowCR, wpShowFF, wpShowNL, wpShowSPC, wpShowHardSPC, wpShowTAB]

    The [ and ] are therefore visible on the document. Now I found out that some users are deleting the closing char "]" of some fields but not the opening char "[", which causes many problems in the document.

    What would you suggest in this case ? Is it possible to detect when a user is deleting the opening or closing char of a field ?


    I'm trying to use printPdf function but it returns a code -2, I guess it points out a problem with the license.

    I have WPViewPDF V3 PLUS installed


    function pdfPrint(filename: PChar; password: PChar; licname, lickey: PChar; liccode: Cardinal; options: PChar): Integer; stdcall; external 'wPDFViewPlus03.dll' name 'pdfPrint';


    ShowMessage(inttostr(pdfprint(PChar(fileName), 'L9XX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX',
          'Krxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'D=XX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX', 17XXXXX, 'DIALOG=1')));

    Can you help ?


    I would like to load a document into a WPRichText and save it into PDF. It is working if I'm exporting a WPRichText to PDF with the visual component, but I would like to do it with no visual component so that the opening of the document is hidden.

    The code below gives me a ERangeError. Do I need to do something with the WPRichText before exporting to PDF ?


    I'm using fields in my documents and I set a custom background color to the fields using :

    WPRichText.AutomaticTextAttr.BackgroundColor := ...

    A drawing problem occurs with the text in these fields : some letters a cut. If I select the same text then the drawing is fine. I guess there is a bug in the drawing of fields with a custom BackgroundColor.

    This is very annoying for people who read the documents.

    See below an example of the cut letters : see how the "o" and "s" seems to be cut.

    Top is the normal text inside a field with a BackgroundColor set to very light gray.
    Bottom is when I simply select the same text : the letters are correct.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]


    I'm editing PDF formulars based on your sample project "WPView PDF Demo Application" and I noticed that multilines fields are not handled properly: the line breaks cannot be sent using COMPDF_ACRO_SET.

    Is it planned to manage multiline fields in a future version ?

    I'm using WPViewPDF V3 PLUS.

    Thank you for the feedback !


    The problem is not solved in version 6.27, but I have more details :

    File: WPRTEDefs.pas
    Procedure: TWPAttrCache.GetFontCharsetList

    In my example, the table FCache goes from 0 to 1000, and FCacheCount = 1001.
    The line FCache[1001].MaskHash raises a ERangeError.

    Is it safe to simply change the for loop to FCacheCount-1 ?


    I have a ERangeError occurring randomly when saving documents.

    Here is the EurekaLog stack :

    WPRTEDefs              |TWPAttrCache            |GetFontCharsetList                 |30754[28] |
    System                 |                        |DynArraySetLength                  |          |
    WPIOWriteRTF           |TWPRTFWriter            |InitializeWriting                  |2615[52]  |
    WPIORTFPremium         |TWPRTFWriterEx          |InitializeWriting                  |226[1]    |
    WPRTEDefs              |TWPCustomTextWriter     |WriteText                          |61074[8]  |
    WPRTEDefs              |TWPRTFDataCollection    |SaveToStream                       |28503[51] |
    WPRTEDefs              |TWPRTFEngineBasis       |SaveToStream                       |59339[12] |
    WPCTRMemo              |TWPCustomRtfEdit        |SaveToStream                       |19544[1]  |

    I would like to ask if you have any suggestion regarding this error, becaus I'm trying to solve this since a few days without success. I can save my documents a few times, and suddenly I get this error and after that it becomes impossible to save the document which is very annoying.

    My version is V 6.21 +premiumX, and unfortunately at the moment I don't have the possibility to upgrade to 6.27 which seems to be the latest version (by the way, is there a changelog available before downloading a new version ?).

    Thank you for your help and suggestions !

    Hello Julian,

    Thanks for the tip, I updated my code based on your remark :

    { previous code } 
      WPAT_NumberTEXT, FCurrentList.CurrentStyle.AStringToNumber( 
    { new code } 
    FCurrentList.CurrentStyle.ASet(WPAT_NumberTEXT, 1) ; //forcing bullet #1 
    FCurrentList.CurrentStyle.ASet(WPAT_CharFONT, FRTFProps.AddFontName('Wingdings')) ; //forcing font Wingdings

    Now :
    - When copying "standard" bullets from Word, it works fine
    - When copying "images" bullets from Word, it still uses font 'Symbol' instead of 'Wingdings'.

    The image belows shows this difference :

    I had a deep look into the code but couldn't find how to solve this. Any additional tip ? Thanks for your help !


    When a user copy-pastes a bullet list from Word into a WPRichText, I would like the bullet style to be forced to the small black circle (Wingdings character " l ").

    For this I changed the function :


    WPIOReadRTF.pas - procedure TWPRTFReader.CloseDestination(CurrentDest, NewDest: TWPRDS);

    I changed the following code :

    { previous code }
      WPAT_NumberTEXT, FCurrentList.CurrentStyle.AStringToNumber(
    { new code }
    FCurrentList.CurrentStyle.ASet(WPAT_NumberTEXT, 1) ; //forcing bullet #1
    FCurrentList.CurrentStyle.ASet(WPAT_CharFONT, 1) ; //forcing font #1 = Wingdings

    The bullet is correctly set to #1 (which is the caracter "l" in the FAllStrings list), but the font is not set to #1 (which is the font "WingDings" in the FFonts list).

    I did not find why the font is not correctly applied, do you have any suggestion ? Thank you !