Beiträge von JohnnyT

    I'm a newbie to WPTools and the mailmerge/form functions.

    The question;

    I have many different addenda to a main contract which will utilize some of the same database fields as the main contract.

    I'm assuming that once a form is created with all of its field references that it can be "recalled" by the end user with the data already populated, (since they have filled in the main contract) and they can simply print it? Or, do they have to pull up the addenda at all? Is it possible that once the main contract form is completed that all addenda could be printed out, filled in with the data they entered on the main contract?




    Still getting all kinds of path errors, or errors like the following;
    [DCC Fatal Error] WPDBEval.pas(288): F2039 Could not create output file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WPTools\XE\WPDBEval.dcu'

    I'm not having any other issues with DelphiXE and other 3rd party libraries.

    Does the purchased product install differently? Should I just go ahead and purchase or is there something wrong with the evaluation installation?

    Thanks again.


    Thanks once again.

    I've tried your suggestion, and I've seen this problem before and know it is a simple fix- I think. BUT, I can't recall how to fix it. Obviously its some sort of path dilemma.

    Thanks for any additional hints you can provide. I want to place an order, (BTW- I own an older license to WP Tools back in the days when it was shipped on floppies ;) )

    Anyway here is the error: [DCC Fatal Error] WPTools_Reg.pas(69): F1026 File not found: 'DesignIntf.dcu'

    John Turner


    Any chance that the link for the version you sent me is for XE2?
    The reason I ask is that it appears that way in the dcc line:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\WPTools\XE";"c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\rad
    studio\8.0\RBuilder\Lib" -K00400000 --description:"WPTools for Delphi XE2 - WPCubed GmbH" -NB"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\8.0\Dcp"
    -NH"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\8.0\hpp" WPTools6_XE2.dpk

    Thanks again.


    Thanks Julian.

    I changed the DCP and BPL output directories to : $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\Dcp and $(BDSCOMMONDIR)\BPL. I then tried simply changing the paths to known good directories and got the same result.

    Then when trying to install I still get 3 instances of:
    [MakeDir Error] Unable to create directory "S:\S\WPT5\VCL\DelphiXE\". Could not find a part of the path 'S:\S\WPT5\VCL\DelphiXE\'.

    Sorry for the problems.
