Beiträge von cys

    Do you have any clues?

    I still cannot compile it with D7 + RB9 + WPTools 4.25...

    Delphi gives me an "Undeclared identifier 'CreateDynamic'. " error on the following snippet:

    {$IFDEF WPV421}
    Result := TWPCustomRichTextForPP.CreateDynamic;

    Thank you again.


    Thank you!

    But, now I'm having another problem:

    {$IFDEF WPV421}
    Result := TWPCustomRichTextForPP.CreateDynamic;

    Undeclared identifier 'CreateDynamic'.

    I have these defines in the ppWPTools.pas:

    {$DEFINE RB_V_9} // define RB_V_9 to use ppWPTools with ReportBuilder 9
    {$DEFINE WPV421} // define WPV421 to use this with WPTools V4.21 or later

    Antonio Carlos


    I got it from my download area, but it's not compilling.

    Error compilling: Undeclared Identifier 'CurrentYPixelsPerInch'

    if aTextHeight > 0 then // -------------- added, RB9 reports wrong Height!
    lHeightInPixel := MulDiv(aTextHeight, yres, RichText.Memo.CurrentYPixelsPerInch);

    Commenting the condition everithing goes fine.

    I'm using D7 + RBuilder 9 + WPTools 4.25.

    Thank you!

    Antonio Carlos