Beiträge von Andreas Obermueller

    Can you help me with the following problem:

    I insert a table by code. Now i want to position the "cursor" right after the table to insert more text after the table. I tried

    while Assigned(Memo.Table) do CPPosition := CPPosition + 1;

    This works, if there is some text after the table. Problem is, that the table can be the last paragraph in my text so this does not work (endless loop).

    Do you have a suggestion/hint for me? Thanks!

    Andreas Obermüller

    Julian sent me this answer, it should work for you also:

    In WPOBJ_Image wird im Druck diese Funktion aufgerufen:

    procedure TWPOCustomImage.Paint(  toCanvas: TCanvas;  BoundsRect: TRect;  ParentTxtObj: TWPTextObj;  PaintMode: TWPTextObjectPaintModes);  var   w, h, m: Integer;

    Dort wird für den Fall: (wpPaintObjDestIsPDF in PaintMode)

    besonderer Code aufgerufen.

    Ergänzen Sie diesen Teil so, dass er auch in dem Fall
    not (wpPaintObjInEditor in PaintMode)
    was gleichbedeutend mit Ausdrucken ist.

    Dann sollte es gehen, da dann eine zwischen bitmap verwendet wird.

    It is in German, but your name suggest you understand German, do you?


    I have a strange problem here: I can not change the Font to "Wingdings" or "Webding" here on WPTools6. What can be the reason? (This happened in my App and also in your Demo.) Other Fonts are working (also "Symbol") but not Wingdings... (It changes to Wingdings, but the Characters stay Arial.)

    Andreas Obermüller

    I wrote some text into the WPRichTextLabel (with the property-editor) and saved the text with the context-menu of the WPRichTextLabel. This does NOT save the text as RTF, as i see now, so this was the problem. (It's the WP-format and it ist not automatically recognized while loading.) Saving the text with the editor as RTF did it. Thank you!


    I have quite an easy task, and I am failing! May I ask for your help?

    I just have to change the border color of a Table. I tryed with

    CurrAttr.LineColor[brdTop] := aColor;

    (inside Table, inside Cell) but that does not work for me. Do you have a small example how to do that? Thanks!


    I am not from or related to WPTools. This is a public forum. Funny is, that one week prior to shipping of a new Delphi-Version you can read the same question in all major support-sites for developer-tools (DevEX, TMS, Berg, WPTools, Steema...): "Is it NOW compatible with the new Delphi?" It semms a bit hasty and umprofessional to me, but it is your business... (I would worry more about the bugs in every new delphi...)

    I have a dropdown in my toolbar, which is painted in the DrawItem-Event with the code

    WPRichText.ParStylePaint(tbxcbStyles.Strings[AIndex],ACanvas, ARect);

    (it's from your example!)

    The Problem is, the List is allways painted in white color oh white background, so it is invisible! The same occurs in your WPStyleDlg!!! The Styles are not visible (painted white on white).

    Older Versions worked properly here. Can you please help?

    I have problems with WPSpell in an MDI Application. When I have two windows with WPTools open (both with a TWPSpellController) an then close one of the windows, the spellcheck of the remaining window does not work properly any more. Is there a sample with MDI support? What do I wrong?

    OK, I see. My missing words are mostly scientific expressions and units, very special and not of general use. But i like to add them to the default dictionary, because my customers do not want to have a lot of curly underlines in their output and they don't want to learn all the word to the spellchek by themselvs. Well i gues i have to make a user-dictionary and add it to the spellcheck.
