Beiträge von vgamarnik


    I am using the following report template:

    <... image removed ...>

    After creating the report with TWPSuperMerge I am getting a proper document.
    <... image removed ...>

    I am saving it and open again in editor. But the document is different.
    <... image removed ...>

    As you can notice there are empty lines between header and the actual text.

    What is wrong? How can I fix it?

    Thanks in advance
    Vitaly Gamarnik

    Hi Julian,

    First of all I cannot find the event OnPrepareBand. Did you mean BeforeProcessGroup?

    The second problem is that this condition is specified by user (We made a report generator used your tools). So do you suggest just reevaluate the StartCode again in order to change band availability?


    I didn't get any response so far :-( Can anybody tell me if it is possible to make a condition in Before Process Startcode work? Is it just a bug or I doing something wrong?
    Will it be fixed or I have to fix it on my own? I would prefer to not change the component code to avoid possible trouble with the next updates.

    Vitaly Gamarnik


    Now I am trying to skip the entire band using the condition in Before Process Startcode and wpeUseBandStartAsCondition turned on.
    As I stated before it seems that TWPSuperMerge.Evaluate never changes pResult.

    Can you please provide some solution?

    Vitaly Gamarnik


    I need to skip certain lines in a band. I've tried a couple of different approaches, but noone is working :-(

    1. I turn on the wpeUseBandStartAsCondition of SuperMerge object and use formula which returns TRUE or FALSE according to the data in Before Process Startcode. This is just ignored. (TWPSuperMerge.Evaluate never changes pResult unless )

    2. I am using BeforeProcessGroup Event and turn ProcessGroup to FALSE. But in this case the entire process of the band is stopped. According to the code FALSE in Before Process Startcode will have same affect once will work.

    Do you have any suggestions how to solve it or any other way how to achieve required functionality

    Thanks in advance
    Vitaly Gamarnik

    Hello Julian,

    Thanks for you response, but I didn't understand. Could this be fixed by code of my application, or I have to wait for 4.22. If so when is it expected?

    In my test application I posted here, OnBeginGroup event always gets a proper value for 'IsLastRun'. The report itself doesn't contain any headers or footers.

    If you need it for debug purposes, I can send it to you.

    Vitaly Gamarnik

    It is seems to be a very dummy question, but I cannot find a solution for it.

    When I build a report with WPSuperMerge it creates an empty page after almost every page containing data. It looks like it happens if the group is not finished on the page.
    The property IgnorePageHeight = true solves the problem, but I need it to be false :-(

    I created a very simple test program

    The document contain just one group and one field between it.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Any help will very be appreciated.

    In FAQ you are


    Before Version 4.21 a TWPRichText always required a parent window handle to allow printing.
    Now you can use CreateDynamic to create a TWPRichText without a reference to a parent window handle or parent form. This is ideal for CGI applications, for print engines and PDF creation. Please note that controls created this way are not available for editing.

    When I use the CreateDynamic constructor the following problem is appearing:
    When I call WPSuperMerge.Execute the following code is being executed in WPMerge:

    FWorkWP := TWPCustomRtfEdit.Create(Self);
        FWorkWP.Parent := FSourceWP.Parent; {Which is obviously nil}

    later FWorkWP.CreateWnd is called what causes the exception "Control '' has no parent window"