Beiträge von andi_st

    I has to put a WPT Text into the clipboard from my own code ...
    i has a WPT Text

    <!WPTools_Format V=518/>
    <table mode=32 wpst

    and i would like to put it into the clipboard so if a past it in a RichtText that it gets all formating from the WPT
    a simple Clipboard.AsText := '...' didn't work

    I just tried to insert a TGraphic (TMetafile image) into my Editor, but didn't get it working

    My first try was to find the Mailmergefields

    mmList      := TWPTextObjList.Create;        RichText.FieldGetList(mmList, TRUE);        for i:=0 to mmList.Count-1 do begin            mmItem  := mmList[i];CopyChartToFile('d:\test.png');// Here also tried per stream or as EMF ....                 wpObj   := TWPOImage.Create(RichText.Memo.RTFData);(* Also tried                wpobj := TWPOImage.Create(tempDokument.RichText);                wpobj.Graphic := tempGraphics;//Image1.Picture.Graphic;                wpobj.WidthTW := wpobj.ContentsWidth;                wpobj.HeightTW:= wpobj.ContentsHeight;*)                wpObj.LoadFromFile('d:\test.png');                mmItem.ObjType  := wpobjImage;                mmItem.objRef   := wpObj;(* Also triedmmItem.LoadObjFromFile('d:\test.png');*)            end;        end;        mmList.Free;

    -> All theses treis didn't do anything ... nothing appears on the resulting document

    And i treid it also in the mailmerge event
    Here also tried as PNG or as EMF, per file and per TStream

    After this the whole document is duplicated -> all text are twice and the image of the charts is twice, but the first appearance of the image only a playeholder is seen (no image only the border)

    What i am doing wrong?


    I have to set the TopMargin of the First page different to the other pages, how can i do this?

    I only know how i can set it for all pages...

    tempRE.Header.RightMargin       := _twRightMarginWidth;
        tempRE.Header.LeftMargin        := _twLeftMarginWidth;
        tempRE.Header.TopMargin         := _twTopMarginWidth;
        tempRE.Header.BottomMargin      := _twBottomMarginWidth;

    But how i set them individually?