Beiträge von TimE

    Below is the test HTML i'm using, the text that is in "Courier New" is correct but the ones with "Calibri" are not.

    I am loading a HTML file into the rich edit, and then retrieving the HTML from the edit to display in a web component. The input file is using the calibri font family, but when I get the HTML back out from the rich edit the font has changed to sans-serif for each of the P tags.

    I'm trying to load some HTML into a RichEdit. It is make up a table, and with the cell of the table, there is a span with a background colour defined, but I'm not seeing the background colour in the RichEdit, is there a option I can turn on to make this show correctly.

    In the table cell I have the following.

    <span style="font-size:10.0pt;color:black;background:#A5A5A5">Some Text<span style="font-size:12.0pt;color:black">&nbsp;<span style="font-size:
      10.0pt;color:black;background:#EFD812">Some other text

    Neither background colour is showing


    I have some HTML that is being loaded into a TWPRichText control, and it looks ok, I then save it out as HTML for a preview, and the document is being double spaced, the original is made up of a table. Looking at the HTML that is being generated, it seems to be adding some strange html at the of the table row, see snippet of html below.

    <tr valign="top"><td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle;padding:0.00in;" class="p.MsoNormal"><font face="sans-serif" size="3"><span style="font-size:9.00pt;font-family:'sans-serif';color:#4A3918;">Tel:	&nbsp;&nbsp; +44 (0) 1892 825820<span style="font-size:9.00pt;font-family:'sans-serif';color:#4A3918;"><div>&nbsp;</font></div></td></tr>

    This has an extra SPAN and DIV at the end with a misplaced /font in the DIV, it also seems to generated extra blank table rows like.

    <tr valign="top"><td valign="middle" style="vertical-align:middle;padding:0.00in;">&nbsp;</td>

    Is there any reason it's doing this, or any way to stop it.
    I am using the latest version of WPTools, with Delphi 7.