I am still using PDFView version 4 and it works well. Unfortunately I now have the need to display signed documents, this does not work. Is the latest version capable of displaying signed documents?
Posts by mschumann
Wie bereits öfter geschrieben, stecke ich bei Version 7 fest, da ich in dem Umfeld die Version nicht leicht wechseln kann auf Grund hoher Validierungsaufwände nach einem Update auf 8/9.
Ich vermute aber, dass es vielleicht nur ein switch ist, der es ermöglicht WOrte und Sätze per Soppel bzw. Dreifachklick auszuwählen, wie dies in anderen Systemen Gang und Gäbe ist. Gibt es dazu Hinweise? Oder müsste man das selbst programmieren?
I solved it with a little modification of the code. If I set IGNORE_PLUSMINUS_IN_REFORMAT then no word break takes place on "-", so this was no option for me. Word break was already turned off if the character following the '-' was a digit, I extended it with ',' and ';'. This was a quick fix, maybe one shoild generally avoid breaking if an other breaking char follows but this is ok for me for now. Perhaps it helps someone else.
File WPRTEFormatA.pas
Hello, due to validation issues I have to stay with WPTools 7 with one application. Since this is a validated system an upgrade would cause a lot of code changes and a complete revalidation where I do not have any budget for. A small change in the code to fix this issue would only cause a small change request.
Here I encounter the problem that the combibation of -, is wrapped between the hyphen and the komma, what looks very strange in text flow. Unfortunately these situations are very commonplace in german language.
Is there some option to avoid this situation, can I modify the source or switch off wrapping the text at a hyphen?
Any help is very appreciated although I still use version 7.
Very long ago I compiled an additional dictuonary for my application and unfortunately I lost the original word list. Now I would like to add some new words. Is it possible to decompile this custom dictionary? Its WPSpell 1.
Thanks - the keyword is "how it is displayed". I exported immediately after doing the reformat without giving wptools the chance to update the displayed document. After inserting a small loop doing "application.processmessages" between reformat and pdf export it runs like clockwork! Great. I love wptools!
I use WPTools 7 and WPdf 4 to print a document created based on a docx template. In that document I have a table formatted not to have page breaks within a row.
This works perfecly well but if I export the document to pdf the page break is different - what astonishes me.
The problem is that the export seems to ignore the "don't break table rows" attribute.
Is there a way to reproduce the pages in WP tools exactly like in WPTools?
So finally I nearly got everything how I want it. The last thing I need help with: How do I make the first row of the table the repeating header.?I did not find a WPAT code for that. Would you mind helping me with this? Thanks in Advance!
Display Morepar := wp.firstPar; while par <> nil do begin if par.IsTable then begin first := true; row := par.Childpar; while row <> nil do begin // if not first then begin cell := row.Childpar; while cell <> nil do begin cell.ASet(WPAT_BORDERFLAGS, WPBRD_DRAW_TOP); cell.ASetColor(WPAT_BORDERCOLORT, clSilver); cell := cell.nextPar; end; end else begin begin row.ASetColor(WPAT_BGColor, clSilver); row.ASet(WPAT_ShadingValue, 30); first := false; end; end; row.ASet(WPAT_ParKeepN, 1); row := row.nextPar; end; end; par := par.nextPar; end; wp.ReformatAll;
P.S. I am aware of the fact, that HTML does not support repeating headers, I was jiust thining that one could use <th> for Headers that are repeated in the document.
Thanks. I created this loop and found the table(s). Sorry for bugging again, but I can not find out how to reformat the table to make the frst row recurring on subsequent pages and how to create grey lines between the rows. The examples worked with callbacks on page creation, this I cannot use here.
Would you mind helping me out and showing how to:
- using the "par" below make the first row recurring
- optinally draw lines between the rows
Thanks in advance
Codepar := wp.firstPar; while par <> nil do begin if par.IsTable then begin // And now, what's next? end; par := par.nextPar; end;
This is what I do:
Codewp.Clear; wp.DefaultAttr.SetFontName('Raleway'); wp.WritingAttr.Clear; wp.loadfromfile(changeFileExt(application.exename, '.docx')); wp.MergeTextEx('', '', wpobjBookmark, [wpmergeAllTexts]);
So the code helped a lot. But I would like to get rid of having to set the default font. It does not use the fonts from the docx file. Am I missing something? If I omit setting the Font, it uses Arial.
Sorry that I did not make it clear.
A template is loaded as docx, all the variables are just test phrases and are marked as bookmarks and get overwritten. One of the variables will be overwritten by a complete table served as html. I was hoping to find that table (or tables) later in the process along with theit bookmark names to do additional formatting like repeating headers and cell lines.
It would be great if I could somehow access the (table-)object that was created by the merge process.
Unfortunately it just wouldnt work:
I store all content.mergepar in wpMailMergeGetText for all tables I insert. Either in wpMailMergeGetText and after completion of the merge both parentRow and parentTable are NIL.
How can I find the table objects I merged into?
i licensed the docx plugin which works well for importing a docx template. Just the font of the template is always replaced by Arial also if I set the font as base font of the WPRichtect before and after loading the docment. I would be grateful if you could help me understand what I have to do.
As this is not processed on in wpMailMergeGetText I will collect the objects while merging and process them after the megre process is complete. This should work. Thanks.
Would it be possible to access the created table from within the implementation of wpMailMergeGetText? Then I could code styles into the bookmarks and implement them on the resulting table object using the power of WPTools.
Thanks. I would like to have the inner table lines in light grey. I will have a look at wpiohtml.pas.
I am using mailmerge in WPTools 7 to insert HTML tables into a document, it works very good except for two things that just wouldn't work:
1. Repeat header of the table on subsequent pages
2. paint borders only between rows not around the table.
Any hint is very appreciated!
Thank you, works perfect!