Beiträge von littlegg

    there is a new problem when user continuously print the document, the first time, it works OK, but the second time, the third time prints nothing. I think this problem is affected by recent MS windows update. the same problem can appear in Wptools 7 demo, when you click print button a lot times ,the dialogs says "Der Drucker druckt aktuell nicht."
    ps : OS is windows 8.1 x64

    i use following code to sum totals

    if Sender<>SourceText.Memo then   try      tbl := pobj.ParentPar.ParentTable;      colnr := pobj.ParentPar.ColNr;      sum := 0;      if pobj.SOURCE='TOTALNR' then // Sum in this Column ------------------------      begin        list := TList.Create;        try          tbl.GetObjList([wpobjMergeField],list,nil,'NR');          for i:=0 to list.Count-1 do          //OPTION: if TWPTextObj(list[i]).ParentPar.ColNr=colnr then  //<--- only in same COLUMN!!!          begin            // sum := sum + StrToFloat(TWPTextObj(list[i]).EmbeddedText);            sum := sum + TWPTextObj(list[i]).EmbeddedTextAsFloat;          end;        finally         list.Free;        end;      end else // Sum on this page with same parent table ----------------------      begin        for i:=0 to page.EmbeddedObjectCount([wpobjMergeField],pobj.Source)-1 do        if page.EmbeddedObjectGet(i).ParentPar.ParentTable=tbl then // Only sum up in same table!        begin         // sum := sum + StrToFloat(page.EmbeddedObjectGet(i).EmbeddedText);         sum := sum + page.EmbeddedObjectGet(i).EmbeddedTextAsFloat;        end;      end;      ResultText := FloatToStr(sum);      UseIt := TRUE;   except      ResultText := 'ERR';      UseIt := TRUE;      if PaintCanvas<>nil then         PaintCanvas.Font.Color := clRed;   end;

    but this line


    sum all the column in whole table, it is not wanted,i want to sum only in one master record.

    how should i do?

    I am using wpreporter to generate sum value of one column, it works well when using one group in the report. but now i want to use wpreporter to generate report of master-detail structure. it can sum value of master records, but it can't sum value of detail values of one master record. here is an example, the expecting result is following:

    master    1    1001detail      1    2              1    3              1    4sum              9                   master    2    1002detail      2    1              2    3              2    4 sum            8grand sum    2003

    but now i get the result is:

    the problem is the sum of detail values are sum of all the detail records,but i want is the sum of detail records of same master record.

    did i describe my question clearly?

    please help me

    i tried, it seems working, but not always.

    i want to make one menu item visible when right click on such a field, so i add code to 'OnTextObjMouseDown' Event, when i right click the field, sometimes the event fires but sometimes not. I think it is the same as another problem, that is when mouse move over the field, the cursor not always switch to a hand.

    is there another way to solve this problem?

    yes, this code works, but i found it does not work for calculate fields.

    i insert a calculate field into WPRichText using the following code:

    obj := WPRichText.InputTextFieldName('PAINT_CALC');  obj.Params := 'some display text';  obj.Source := 'some internal text';

    when i click on inserted field,

    pobj := WPRichText1.CodeInsideOf(x, y, wpobjTextObject, par, posinpar);

    always returns nil

    how should i do?

    I insert some fields by using 'InputMergeField' function to a document. I want to know if the user clicks on the fields. but the event 'OnTextObjectMouseDown' does not fire when user clicks between the begin position and end position of that field. when user clicks on the begin position or end position, this event works as expected. how to fire the 'OntextObjectMouseDown' event when user clicks between the begin and end?

    thanks a million

    it works in strange way. if i load a rtf file to wptools, it works good, i can move the cursor back and forward, and i can delete by delete key or backspace. but i when i type new Chinese characters in this document, the cursor can't move between new-typed characters, but can move between former loaded characters.

    in other condition, if i copy some text from other plain text editor(i.e. notepad, delphi ide), and paste to wptools, they will be unrecognized, same as i copy text from Internet Explorer to wptools. But if i copy text from Microsoft Word, and paste to wptools, it works well. the same is when i copy text from wptools to other editors.

    i think perhaps because microsoft word stores text as unicode and others store as gb2312 charset.

    as you have said in other posts, wptools supports DBCS, but not particular to simpified Chinese, traditional C.hinese or Japanese. do you think these problems can't be solved?

    hello, i am new to Wptools, I downloaded the demo from your website, and ran the demo "WPMultiDemo.exe". when I typed western characters, it ran very smoothly, but when i typed Chinese characters in it, some problems occured. I couldn't use arrow keys, delete key and backspace key in editor. for example, when i pressed left arrow, the cursor didn't move to previous position. Exactly in fact, the cursor moved, but after i pressed 12 times of left arrow, yes , exactly 12 times. the same as right arrow key,backspace and delete.
    how can i resolve this problem?