Beiträge von francois

    I only put Picture in a cell,
    WPT5 doesn't calculate very well the position in the cell, the picture is drawn over two cells !
    It's ok, when i added a space just before the picture !

    row->Cols[0]->Append(" "); // Add it to avoid problem !
    TWPTextObj* obj = row->Cols[0]->AppendNewObject(wpobjImage, false, false, 0);
    TWPOImage* img = new TWPOImage(NULL);
    obj->ObjRef = img;
    obj->Frame = TWPTextObjFrames();// << wpframeFine;

    any other solution ?

    Hello !

    I try to use the localization with Builder C++.

    In delphi, it is :

    // requires unit WPUtils and WPActnStr
    WPLangInterface := TWPLocalizationInterface.Create(WPLanguageControl1);
    WPLanguageControl1.GlobalLanguage := 'DE';
    WPLocalizeLoadForms := TRUE;

    In C++, i translate like this :

    // requires unit WPUtils and WPActnStr
    WPLangInterface = new TWPLocalizationInterface(WPLanguageControl1); //WPTOOLS5
    WPLanguageControl1->GlobalLanguage = "DE";
    WPLocalizeLoadForms = TRUE; //WPTOOLS5
    WPTools_LoadVCLStrings(); //WPTOOLS5
    WPTools_LoadActionStrings(); //WPTOOLS5

    On the first line :
    WPLangInterface = new TWPLocalizationInterface(WPLanguageControl1);

    [C++ Erreur] xxxxxx.cpp(28): E2285 Impossible de trouver une correspondance pour 'TWPLocalizationInterface::TWPLocalizationInterface(TWPLanguageControl *)'

    in english :

    Impossible to find this prototype 'TWPLocalizationInterface::TWPLocalizationInterface(TWPLanguageControl *)'

    Have you a solution or/and an example in C++ ?
